Science, research and their funding in the view of Czech public

Science in the Czech Republic has a positive image among Czech public; it is considered to be at high quality and important. On the other hand, people are more critical in case of its funding. The part of the public, which is more familiar with the topic, evaluate science and research in the Czech Republic and also the institution of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic more positively than the others and also in a more urgent manner perceives problems of its current funding and more calls for responsibility of the state for further development.


Public Attitude to Death Penalty

In May survey Centre for Public Opinion Research SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., asked respondents about their attitude to death penalty. As a part of this press information the answers of respondents are sorted according to socio-demographic indicators a there is also time comparison with results from previous results, because this question has been a part of continual CVVM surveys since 1992.



Public Opinion on Rights of Homosexual Couples

In May 2009, CVVM survey focused on public opinion on rights of gays and lesbians such as right to get married, right for registered partnership and right for children adoption. As a part of this press release the answers were sorted according to socio-demographic indicators and according to answer on a question whether a respondent knows a gay or a lesbian personally.

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Public Opinion on Activities of Various Institutions Concerning Environmental Issues

In May 2009, Centre for Public Opinion Research asked questions about environment and its protection. Czech citizens should evaluate activity of Czech Republic in this area and also activities of some state institutions and ecological organizations in these questions. Concretely we were interested in opinions of Czechs on activity of Government, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Parliament, Regional Offices, Municipal Offices.


Czechs and their satisfaction with environmental conditions

In May 2009 CVVM cocerned on chosen environmental issues. People were more satisfied with state of environment at their place of residence (70 %) than in Czech republic in general (58 %). Respondents were most satisfied with accessability of free nature (84 % "satisfied"), quality of drinking water (78 %) and cleanness of nature (72 %). On the other hand respondents were dissatisfied with impact of density of traffic on the environment (67 % "dissatisfied").


Czech public on global environmental problems

Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate relevancy of some problems related to global environment. As a most important problemes were marked cumulation of garbage (95 % „very + fairly important problem“), polution of drinking water (95 %), lack of drinking water (90 %) and disappearance of rain forests (89 %). Public opinion is divided on question of nuclear power plants (45 % „very + fairly important problem“ vs.


Environment-friendly Behaviour

In May 2009 Public Opinion Research Centre asked questions about environment. People were inquired about their activities in environment protection and their willingness to do something in favour of environment.



Citizen's Views of Drug Addiction

In its May survey CVVM explored some attitudes of Czechs related to drug addiction problem.



Public opinion on the consumption of addictive substances

In May 2009 CVVM investigated on public attitudes towards drugs. The most tolerated was coffee (96 % said that at least irregular consumption is acceptable) followed by alcohol (93 %) and tobacco (72 %). Marihuana was marked as an acceptable just by 18 % of respondents followed by ecstasy (6 %), pervitin (3 %) and heroin (2 %).

The majority of respondents claimed not just production and distribution of drugs but also consumption to be prosecuted (83 % for consumption of hard drugs and 65 % for soft drugs).


Public opinion about foeticide and euthanasia

In May survey Public Opinion Research Center focused on public opinions of women´s right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Within the survey people also have been expressing their sentiment about acceptability or unacceptability of euthanasia. As a part of this press information there were answers sorted according to socio-demographic indicators and table with data from previous surveys.
