The Beer Consumption in the Czech Republic in 2008

In September 2008 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results about the amount and frequency of beer consumption in the Czech Republic from 2004 to 2008; newly it mentions some of social circumstances of beer drinking.


Some Aspects of Beer Choice of Czech Consumers in 2008

In September 2008 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps basic results about the preferences of particular beer brands, the role of aspects like taste and price in case of choice and the position of non-alcoholic beer.


Opinions of Czech Public towards Czech Beer and Brewing Industry in 2008

In September 2008 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR replicated some of the questions about beer, which constitute a part of research project Pubs and Beer in Czech Society that is under way since 2004. This press release maps the basic expectations of Czech public about the future of Czech beer and brewing industry and sentiments of citizens towards the competition of producers of different size on Czech market.


What is educational background influenced by?

In September survey approximately a two thirds of respondents expressed their opinion that everybody has a chance to get such education according to his or her abilities. Then respondents had to answer a question, what circumstances and various facts influence educational background. Respondents often suppose human abilities and diligence to be important, when trying to get higher education. In other part of survey respondents had to talk about their own educational background.


Czechs and their satisfaction with environmental conditions

Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment people were questioned about their satisfaction with environmental conditions in the Czech Republic as well as at the place they live in general and in some concrete ways.


Public Opinion on Information about Environment

In May 2008 Centre for Public Opinion Research asked questions about environment. More than a half of population (59 %) is interested in information about the environment and 36 % of people say they have enough this kind of information. The second issue was how to behave environmentally friendly. About two thirds (68 %) of Czechs are interested in information how to behave environmentally friendly and more than a half (55 %) have enough of these information.


Czech Health system in View of Public

As a part of June survey realized by CVVM there were the questions about health system.

In the concrete, the poll concentrated on selected aspects of the medical care, for example, how the respondents rate the physicians, when serving medical information, or if the patients have the possibility to decide on their treatment. Press release also includes comparison of actual findings with results from previous surveys.


Public opinion on the environmental protection

In May 2008 Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated how are particular precautions concerning environment protection popular among czech public. 74 % of informants claimed that environmental protection is a task for government and they shouldnt participate financially on it. On the other hand the majority agree that it’s sensible to protect environment even it costs more time or some additional money.


Czechs and the environmental protection

In May 2007 the Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated how are Czechs and their households active in protection of environment. 81% of informants said that they are used to sort waste („always + often“). Approximately half of informants (48 %) makes an effort to save water and energy. On the other hand almost nobody tries to reduce car driving for ecological reasons (11 %).



Czech public on global environmental problems

Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate gravity of some problems related to global environment. As a most important problemes were marked polution of drinking water (95 % „very + fairly important problem“), cumulation of garbage (94 %), lack of drinking water (91 %) and disappearance of rain forests (89 %). Public opinion is divided on question of genetically modified food (46 % „very + fairly important problem“ vs.