Interest in Politics and Public Life - Autumn 2024
In the autumn of 2024, the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR conducted a survey on a set of questions concerning the interest of Czech citizens in politics and public life.
Less than half (47%) of the population declares an interest in politics in general, while less than a tenth (8%) are very interested in politics and 16% are not interested in politics at all.
Self-Classification on the Left-Right Scale of Political Orientation - Autumn 2024
In the autumn survey the Public Opinion Research Centre gave all respondents a question that at eleven-point scale measures the left-right political orientation: "In politics, people sometimes talk about right and left. Where would you place yourself ranked on this scale?"
Confidence to Some Representatives in International Context - Autumn 2024
Autumn 2024 survey focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives in international politics. Respondents were asked to express their confidence or non-confidence to some main figures of international policy and persons involved in recent important events as well as supreme representatives of Central European countries.
Citizens on the situation in Ukraine - Autumn 2024
In a survey conducted from the mid of September to the end of November 2024, the Center for Public Opinion Research asked a set of questions about the conflict in Ukraine. The research sought to find out whether people are interested in the development of the situation in Ukraine and whether they consider it to be a security threat to the Czech Republic, Europe and world peace, how citizens feel about the government's actions in support of Ukraine and how they assess possible measures by the international community.
Attitude of the Czech public towards accepting refugees from Ukraine - Autumn 2024
In a survey conducted between mid-September and the end of November 2024, the Centre for Public Opinion Research asked a set of questions about the Czech public's attitudes towards accepting refugees from Ukraine. Specifically, the respondents expressed their attitudes towards the reception of Ukrainian refugees with regard to the possibility of their permanent settlement in the Czech Republic and their opinions on whether or not Ukrainian refugees are being integrated into our society. The survey also included a mapping of interest in current developments around this situation.
Attitudes of Czechs towards U.S. Foreign Policy and Role of America in the World - Autumn 2024
80% of Czechs against 12% think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 56% against 30% believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community. According to 48% of Czech citizens the current foreign policy of the U.S. represents a threat to today’s world, while 39% have the opposite opinion. The opinion that in relation to undemocratic regimes the United States is entitled to use military force is shared by 20% of Czech citizens, whereas 70% oppose it. 50% agree with a thesis that in its foreign policy, the US stands in defense of freedom, democracy, and human rights, 40% think otherwise. 45% tend to believe that the US strives to secure stability and a peaceful world order, 44% disagree with such an assertion.
Czech Public on US Presidential Elections - Autumn 2024
In its autumn survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the topic of the US presidential elections. Interest in the US presidential election shows nearly a half (48%) of the Czech public, 52% do not care about this topic. More than two fifths of Czech citizens (42%) would prefer Kamala Harris to become the next president of the United States, 25% of the Czech citiziens prefered Donald Trump.
Confidence in Constitutional Institutions and Satisfaction with Political Situation - Autumn 2024
In the period from the second decade of Septemer to the end of November 2024 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this survey there was a question about their trust to the President, both Chambers of Parliament, the Government, Local Councils, and mayors.
Thirty-Five Years since the Velvet Revolution from View of Czech Public
In a survey conducted in the summer of 2024, the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Instutute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic gave all respondents a series of questions in connection with the upcoming 35th anniversary of the 1989 November Revolution. The questions examined the views of the Czech public on the November Revolution and on changes in the political and economic system in general and in individual areas of life.
Opinion on the prevalence and level of corruption among public officials and institutions - Summer 2024
In the summer of 2024, the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v. v. i. included a set of questions on corruption in its regular Our Society survey. Citizens expressed their opinion on the prevalence of corruption in the Czech Republic and also assessed perceived levels of corruption in selected institutions and areas of public life.
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