Party Preferences and Voting Model in April 2013

In April survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.
Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in  elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Public opinion on performance of president Vaclav Klaus

In its regular survey in March 2013 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the questions about the Vaclav Klaus' presidency. Most Czechs think president Klaus is good in taking care of dignity and respect of his office (64 %) and he fulfills his constitutional functions (60 %).


Morality of Politicians and Reasons for Resignation from the Position - March 2013

In the March survey CVVM enquired how strictly according to public should be judged morality of politicians and what criteria should be considered in their deliberations. The next block of questions was ascertaining more specificly due to which of the selected policy violations a politician should resign from his position.


Popularity of Top Politicians

In March 2013 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 25 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of Parliament, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, leaders of political parties in Parliament and chief of Constitutional Court.


Citizens on the Constitutional Competencies of the President - March 2013

March's survey of CVVM made an inquiry into the attitudes of citizens towards the constitutional competencies of the president. Questions in the survey concerned the range of presidential competencies in general and also with regard to several particular competencies such as granting of amnesty or stopping a lawsuit, dismissing the Chamber of Deputies and refusing the law passed by the parliament. Two questions asked about the role of president in appointing the Board of the Czech National Bank and in appointing the judges of the Constitutional Court. According to the survey, 23 % of respondents would leave the decision about the granting of amnesty or the stopping of a lawsuit to the president alone, what is 21 percentage points less than in January 2012.


Attitudes of Citizens to the Presidential Office - March 2013

March's survey of CVVM asked questions regarding the attitudes towards the office of president of the Czech Republic. Questions focused on the mechanism of presidential election, the personal profile of suitable presidential candidate, his or her relations to the government and government appointment, on the position of president in the foreign policy and on the problems president should pay attention in his or her office. According to the survey, 73 % of respondents support direct presidential election, what is 12 percentage points more than in January 2012.


Views on the participation of citizens in decision-making - February 2013

In February, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes. People would like to make decisions primarily on important local issues. This view is supported by 84% of citizens. On the other hand, decisions on important laws and international treaties should do politicians. This view is supported by 62 % in the case of laws and 75 % in the case of international treaties.


Citizens on Their Possibilities to Influence Public Affairs - February 2013

In February 2013 CVVM investigated how people evaluate their possibilities to influence political decision-making and public affairs.


Trust To Some Public Institutions - March 2013

As a part of March CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions, Churches, Banks and NGOs. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in March 2013

In March 2013 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, Local and Regional Councils.