Beer in Czech Society in 2006

In September 2006 within the project of continual monitoring of Czech public opinion Our Society some questions used in research - Pubs and Beer in Czech Society in 2004 were repeated. Results of the survey provide us with both topical view of current situation of some aspects of position of beer and pubs in Czech society and of related questions of their development.


Beer Consumption in Czech Society in 2006

Within the project - monitoring of beer phenomenon in Czech society beer consumption and its popularity were surveyed. Press information brings basic information about current structure of popular drinks, trends in beer consumption and development of rate of beer consumption.


Beer choosing by Czech consumers

Press release offers basic information about some aspects that determine beer choosing strategies of Czech consumers. There are also mentioned topics such as the type of popular beer, concrete beer brand preference, preference of products breweries regionally close to respondents´ residence and importance of price and taste when choosing a beer.


Public Opinions of Czech Beer and Brewing

Press release monitors some aspects of Czech citizen’s attitudes to beer and brewing. There are mentioned questions about public attitudes to high rate of consumed beer in Czech Republic, import of foreign beer on Czech market or expectation of development of Czech beer and brewing.


Position of Czech Pub among Gastronomical Facilities

Press release contains analysis of questions related to the topic of gastronomical facilities and especially of the position of Czech pub in the structure of eating facilities and in the Czech society in general. There are also analysed topics such as popularity of eating places or specification of guests of traditional Czech pubs.


Czech citizens about media and politics

In October survey we asked respondents whether media influence decisions of politicians. More than a half of respondents agreed that media influence decisions of politicians (20 % definitely „yes“, 33 % rather „yes“ ) A quarter of people think that media have no such influence (rather „no“) and a tenth suposse media not to have definitely such influence.

According to 80 % of respondents Česká televize has main influence on decisions of politicians, Nova 73 % and Prima 59 %.


Comparison of conditions nowadays and before 1989

In October CVVM SOÚ AV ČR made a survey on the attitudes of Czech citizens to day 17 November and public opinions on social conditions nowadays and before 1989.

More than a half of respondents commemorate national holiday on 17 November but they do not celebrante it. A third of Czech citizens admit they do not usually know about the feast and they do not commemorate it. Only 6,3 % of respondents say that 17 November is a day to be celebrated and they also celebrate this day: 1,1 % of people celebrate this day with their family, 1,3 % with friends and 1,6 % take part in social gatherings and 2,3 % celebrate this feast in another way.


Popularity of Top Politicians

Popularity of Top Politicians

CVVM SOÚ AV ČR in October survey investigated how respondents trust to selected politicians (see table 1 and 2). They were shown a list with 23 names of top politicians from political Parties reprezented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among Party leaders Vlasta Parkanová enjoys the highest trust expressed by respondets (53 %).She is followed by Prague city mayor Pavel Bém (44 % of trustees).


Evaluation of information in Mass Media

As a part of October CVVM survey there were also some questions investigating how Czech citizens evaluate media. We were also focused on whether people think that monitored media inform them objectively, completely and whether media offer them complete list of important events. Currently the most widespread media is TV so we asked people how often they watch Media coverage.

The best evaluated was Channel - Česká televize (the main news programme – “Events“).


Confidence in the Social Institutions

In September survey made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR was put, among others, the question on the confidence in the social institutions. The social institutions are in this case represented by the court of law, police, army, press, TV, radio, labour union and Church. From the responses, it is possible to see the positive evaluation of media that prevails over the negative evaluation. The trust in the army was expressed by more than 60% of respondents, whereas the trust in the police was formulated by less than 50% respondents.


Opinions of people from Central Europe on Israel–Lebanon conflict

Czech public more often than Poles, Hungarians and Slovaks consider Lebanese movement Hezbollah responsible for recent Israel–Lebanon conflict, but Czechs as well as citizens of other Central European states refuse the military operation of Israel in Lebanon. In the whole region people mainly support sending of UN peace mission to south Lebanon. People from Central Europe are mostly sceptic when thinking of the future of relationships between Israelis and Arabs.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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