Party Preferences and Voting Model in April 2009

In April survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic - March 2009

According to March survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 68 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 26 % of respondents would approve it. 70 % of respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 23 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter.

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Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreigners

In March survey CVVM investigated Czech public's views with regard to foreigners who live in the long term or permanently in Czech Republic. 78 % of Czechs think that incomers should have had the right to stay here in the long term under some conditions, 7 % would support this right with no restricting conditions and 11 % said that foreigners should not have any right to stay in the long term in Czech Republic.


Who is a foreigner?

As a part of March survey made by CVVM there were some questions about public attitudes to foreigners. Majorty (61 %) claimed that foreigners living in Czech republic should become conformed to czech cultural habits as much as possible. Another 35 % of informants said that foreigners should adapt to czech cultural habits just in some aspects. And 3 % said that foreigners should be allowed to live according to their habits.


Czech Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon

In March 2009, Public Opinion Research Centre questioned Czech public about the Treaty of Lisbon. People were asked, whether they know, what the term "Treaty of Lisbon" means, whether they are informed about the treaty and interested in this topic. Except these questions, the survey investigated the public opinion on the parliament and ratification of the treaty, and whether the position of the Czech Republic will be better, the same or worse, if the treaty is adopted.


Citizens about the Presidency to the European Union

In March survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic has assumed the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens’ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations for the presidency.


When should politicians abdicate?

In March 2007 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR provided a survey, what affairs in public and political life are according to Czechs compatible with holding office and which ones should lead to resignation of a politician. Most Czech people take radical attitude to politicians who are sentenced or charged of crime (this is in both cases – when a crime relates to holding office and when a crime is not in relation to holding office as well) – agreement with resignation was almost unanimous.


Public attitude to form of political system

Public attitude to form of political system

As a part of February survey made by CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. there were some questions about respondents´ opinions of form of political system.



On the elections to the European Parliament

On the elections to the European Parliament

In March 2009, 49% of Czech citizens expressed willingness to participate in the election to the European Parliament. On the other hand, 36 % of Czech voters did not want to vote. The remaining 15% were still undecided.


Those polled who expressed willingness to participate in the elections were then asked the following open question (without a list of parties being used): ‘What political grouping or party are you going to vote for in the elections to European Parliament?’ The answers indicate that most votes would be given to the Civil Democratic Party (ODS, 31 %) and the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD, 29 %), followed by the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM, 12,5 %), the Green Party (SZ, 6,5 %) and the Christian and Democratic Union (KDU-CSL, 5 %).


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in March 2009

Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in March 2009

In March 2009 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.

As a part of the CVVM surveys there is a question about public satisfaction with current political situation in the Czech Republic.


Taxation in View of Public Opinion

According to February 2009 survey 8 % of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 18 % say it is adequate and 62 % think it is low. Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 38 % of respondents, adequate by 49 % and low by 3 % of citizens. Taxation on low-income earners was supposed to be high by 68 %, adequate by 19 % and low by 3 %. 72 % of respondents think that tax rate should be higher for high-income earners than for low-income earners.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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