Czechs and their satisfaction with environmental conditions

In May 2009 CVVM cocerned on chosen environmental issues. People were more satisfied with state of environment at their place of residence (70 %) than in Czech republic in general (58 %). Respondents were most satisfied with accessability of free nature (84 % "satisfied"), quality of drinking water (78 %) and cleanness of nature (72 %). On the other hand respondents were dissatisfied with impact of density of traffic on the environment (67 % "dissatisfied").


Czech public on global environmental problems

Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate relevancy of some problems related to global environment. As a most important problemes were marked cumulation of garbage (95 % „very + fairly important problem“), polution of drinking water (95 %), lack of drinking water (90 %) and disappearance of rain forests (89 %). Public opinion is divided on question of nuclear power plants (45 % „very + fairly important problem“ vs.


Environment-friendly Behaviour

In May 2009 Public Opinion Research Centre asked questions about environment. People were inquired about their activities in environment protection and their willingness to do something in favour of environment.



Citizen's Views of Drug Addiction

In its May survey CVVM explored some attitudes of Czechs related to drug addiction problem.



World Financial Crisis In View Of Czech Public - May 2009

According to May survey 62 % of Czechs are concerned with the situation regarding present world financial crisis, 36 % do not care about it. 85 % expect negative impact of crisis to economic development in the Czech Republic, 69 % of Czechs are convinced that the financial crisis will affect their personal situation or the situation of their households.



Public opinion on the consumption of addictive substances

In May 2009 CVVM investigated on public attitudes towards drugs. The most tolerated was coffee (96 % said that at least irregular consumption is acceptable) followed by alcohol (93 %) and tobacco (72 %). Marihuana was marked as an acceptable just by 18 % of respondents followed by ecstasy (6 %), pervitin (3 %) and heroin (2 %).

The majority of respondents claimed not just production and distribution of drugs but also consumption to be prosecuted (83 % for consumption of hard drugs and 65 % for soft drugs).


Public opinion about foeticide and euthanasia

In May survey Public Opinion Research Center focused on public opinions of women´s right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Within the survey people also have been expressing their sentiment about acceptability or unacceptability of euthanasia. As a part of this press information there were answers sorted according to socio-demographic indicators and table with data from previous surveys.



Citizens on Coexistence with Romanies and Their Possibilities in Society

April survey of CVVM focused on public attitude and public relationships between Czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed that more than four fiths of Czech citizens (85 %) see living together of Romany and non-Romany population as problematic.


Citizens about the presidency to the European Union

In May survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic has assumed the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens’ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations for the presidency.


On the elections to the European Parliament

On the elections to the European Parliament

In May 2009, 40 % of Czech citizens expressed willingness to participate in the election to the European Parliament. On the other hand, 46 % of Czech voters did not want to vote. The remaining 14 % were still undecided.


Those polled who expressed willingness to participate in the elections were then asked the following open question (without a list of parties being used): ‘What political grouping or party are you going to vote for in the elections to European Parliament?’ The answers indicate that most votes would be given the Civil Democratic Party (ODS, 33 %) and to the Czech Social Democratic Party (CSSD, 25,5 %), followed by the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM, 13,5 %), the Christian and Democratic Union (KDU-CSL, 5,5 %) and the Green Party (SZ, 5 %).


Czechs and their Involvement in Public Life

As a part of February survey there were also some questions focused on interest of Czech citizens in political events in their country as well in the world, involvement of Czech citizens in political and public life, respondents´ attitudes to public activities and public opinions of chances that people have to influence public events.



Panel 1

Panel 3

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