Security risks and guarantee of stability for the Czech Republic
In December survey of CVVM respondents had to assess menace impact of selected groups in the Czech Republic. They were also collected views on threats by war, epidemics or natural disasters. Addressing citizens also evaluated which countries represent a threat to the Czech Republic and which to guarantee security and stability.
Sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police
In December survey of CVVM addressed citizens answered questions about the sense of security and satisfaction with the activities of the police.
Relationship of Czechs to Other Nationalities - December 2009
In December survey the CVVM focused on Czech relationship to other nations and nationalities. Respondents were shown a list with 24 nationalities and they were asked to evaluate these nationalities with marks from 1 to 7 according to their sympathies for these nationalities (1 – very sympathetic and 7-very unsympathetic).
Leisure time
Part of the research made during November last year was devoted to the topic of free time. Addressing citizens should estimate the amount of free time on weekdays and on weekends Then respondents were asked how they spend their leisure time. We also asked the information how often they engaged some leisure activities.
Partner's relationship, marriage and parenthood
The theme of partnership, marriage, parenthood was made by Center for Public Opinion Research, during the November. This investigation was divided into several blocks. Center examined the views on the optimal number of children in the family and the ideal age for entering marriage. Furthermore, the intention of the respondents had been measured at meetings to conclude their marriage life. Respondents also evaluated the statements regarding the various forms of family living life and the importance of their life goals.
Czech Public on Healthcare - December 2009
According to December survey 31 % of Czechs are satisfied with Czech healthcare system, 34 % expressed their dissatisfaction with it and the same share says to be neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. Most problematic aspect of healthcare in Czech Republic according to citizens is funding of public health service. On the other hand least portion of citizens finds problems concerning availability of healthcare and relationships between doctors and patients.
Financial Crisis In View Of Czech Public - December 2009
According to December survey 75 % of Czechs think that economic situation of the Czech Republic became worse in 2009. 38 % of Czechs see as worsened living material conditions of their households. Two thirds of respondents feel that financial crisis afflicted their household and similar share see as affected their job as well. 50 % see the reaction of Czech government to present situation as bad, 33 % expressed opposite view.
Popularity of Top Politicians
In December 2009 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 28 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of Parliament, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, leaders of political parties in Parliament, ombudsman and chief of Constitutional Court.
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Personal Estimation of 2009 and Next Year’s Expectancies from Perspective of Czech Citizens
In December survey CVVM focused on personal evaluation of ending year 2009 and expectations for 2010 from the perspective of Czech population.
Evaluation of the situation in some areas of public life in 2009
In December 2009 CVVM survey posed a few questions on basic satisfaction with the chosen areas of public life. People were most satisfied with supply of goods and services (75 % "satisfied") and culture (55 %). Dissatisfaction was related mainly to unemployment (80 %) and corruption (79 % "dissatisfied").
Evaluation of the past year, expectations for the coming year
Public Opinion Research Centre included a monthly research the end of year 2009 several balancing issues. Respondents should assess the past year, what their expectations for the next year, which impact had some major national events affect the image of Czech Republic abroad.
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