Party Preferences and Voting Model in March 2016

In March survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.


Opinions on Undemocratic Alternatives of Political System - February 2016

Public Opinion Research Centre in its February survey focused on Czech public opinions on undemocratic alternatives of political system.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Views on the participation of citizens in decision-making - February 2016

In February 2016, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined views on the involvement of citizens in decision-making processes.


Politicians' Interest in Opinion of Ordinary Citizens and Possibilities of Citizens to Influence Public Affairs - February 2016

In February 2016 the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated, whether people believe, that politicians are interested in citizens opinions and whether, according to Czech public, people in the Czech republic have opportunities to influence public affairs. In the matter of interest of politicians about public opinions sceptical view prevails.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on the Functioning of Democracy and Respect to Human Rights in the Czech Republic - February 2016

Part of Public Opinion Research Centre survey in February were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic, the general attitudes towards democracy and respect for human rights in our country.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics - February 2016

In February 2016 in the research project Our Society the Public Opinion Research Centre included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons of people for entering the politics.


Czech citizens' attitudes towards marriage and family - February 2016

In its February survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the theme of partnership, marriage and parenthood. We examined the views on the optimal number of children in the family and the ideal age for men and women to become parents. Respondents also expressed their agreement or disagreement with 16 statements related to various forms of family life.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on the Role of Men and Women in Family - February 2016

In its February survey CVVM examined attitudes of Czech citizens to roles of men and women in family. According to the Czech public opinion should be the domain of men in a family doing common household repairs. Cooking and tidying up were considered as typical women's activities.


Public Opinion on the Family Social Policy

In February 2016 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to family policy and the care of parliament about social situation of families.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


Czech Public on So-Called Islamic State - February 2016

In February 2016 the Public Opinion Research Centre included into its regular survey a few questions concerning so-called Islamic State.


The Most Significant Personality in the Czech Republic of 2015

In February, the Centre for Public Opinion Research asked respondents who was the most significant personality of public life in the past year. There was no offer of answers given to respondents so they had the opportunity to respond absolutely spontaneously. They could mention up to two different names. Results of our survey show that, for the Czech citizens, the most significant personalities are high representatives of Czech country and government.

Whole article is available in Czech language.


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