Czech public on homesteading and gardening - June/July 2023
A significant part of the regular CVVM Our Society survey conducted in June and July 2023 was dedicated to the topic of homesteading and gardening.
These topics are part of the activities of the Institute of Sociology of the CAS within the framework of the AV21 Food for the Future Strategy.
Specifically, we investigated whether people engage in various activities related to subsistence farming, whether they produce their own food (fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, etc.) and if so, where and why, whether people who grow or produce something in their households give these products to someone or exchange them with someone, or with how many people.
We were also interested in the other side of the story, i.e. whether people themselves receive home-grown or home-produced food from someone.
Last but not least, we also looked at how bio-waste is managed and how the current food supply compares to ten years ago.
Food Waste and the Shopping and Consumer Behaviour of Czech Households – June/July 2023
In its regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, examined the Czech public’s attitudes and opinions on the issue of food waste. More than a half (52%) of the respondents consider food waste to be a big problem, more than two-fifths (42%) think food waste is not right, but there are more urgent problems that need to be solved and only twentieth (5%) of the Czech public does not consider food waste to be a big problem in society.
Value Orientations - June/July 2023
Summer survey of Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the matter of values and their importance for Czech people.
Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty - April/May 2023
In its spring survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined attitudes of Czech citizens towards the death penalty. 42% of respondents hold the view the death penalty should exist in the Czech Republic, 51% oppose it. Since 1992, when 76% supported the existence of the death penalty, this support decreased for 34 percentage points, while opposition to the death penalty (13% in 1992) nearly quadruppled, and for the first time prevailed over support of the death penalty.
Romanies and Coexistence with Them in View of Czech Public – April/May 2023
April and May survey of CVVM focused on public attitude and public relationships between Czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed that almost two thirds of Czech citizens (63%) see living together of Romany and non-Romany population as bad in Czech Republic generally. But since 2015 this negative perception decreased for 20 percentage points.
Public attitudes towards substance use and drug addiction - April/May 2023
In a survey conducted during April and May 2023, the The Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) asked a set of questions about public attitudes towards substance use. Respondents over the age of 15 rated the extent to which they considered it acceptable to consume certain addictive substances, specifically tobacco, alcohol, painkillers, sleeping or tranquillisers, cannabis drugs (e.g. marijuana, hashish) and drugs such as ecstasy, methamphetamine and heroin. They commented on selected statements about the problem of drug addiction, whether drug use is a problem in the Czech Republic as a whole or in their place of residence, and whether the relevant institutions in the Czech Republic deal adequately with the problem of drug use.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
Public Opinion on Abortion, Euthanasia, and Prostitution – April/May 2023
In April and May 2023 within the regular survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on issues that could be perceived as morally controversial. Specifically, respondents answered questions concerned with abortion, euthanasia, and prostitution.
The Czech public’s views of ethnic groups living in the Czech Republic – February/March 2023
In February and March 2023 Public Opinion Research Centre investigated attitudes of Czech public to fourteen national groups that are living in the Czech Republic in significant number.
Opinions of the Czech public on the presence of foreigners in the Czech Republic - February - March 2023
In February and March 2023, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on a regular survey on the attitude of Czech society to the question of whether or not foreigners living in the Czech Republic should adapt to our living habits. In addition, a question was also asked to assess the importance of the circumstances that influence the acceptance of foreigners.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
Tolerance to Selected Groups of Population - February/March 2023
In February and March 2023 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on social distance among the majority population and different social groups. Social distance was measured by a specific question: people should pick from a list of 15 different groups those, which they would not like to have as neighbours.
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