Eating Culture in the Czech Republic and Ordering Meals through Food Delivery Apps – Food 2021

In our special Food 2021 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined the culture of eating. Most people east three (41%) or four (30%) meals a day. The room in the home in which people most often eat their meals is the kitchen (53%), followed by the dining room (27%) and the living room (18%). 35% of people regularly, i.e. at least once every two weeks, eat at a canteen/cafeteria, 33% at a restaurant, 21% at a fast-food restaurant, and 18% each at a cafe or in another home (usually the home of a family member or when visiting someone).

The majority (71%) of the Czech public never orders food through food delivery app (e.g. Wolt, Dámejídlo, Uber Eats), 26% do so sometimes, and 2% do so regularly


Czech public opinion on issues of radioactive waste and deep geological repository – July 2021

In its July 2021 survey, the Our Society series included a battery of questions on issues of the energy system, with a detailed focus on nuclear energy and some aspects of handling radioactive waste. The study inquired how well informed about nuclear waste citizens themselves feel, how reliable they consider different sources of information on nuclear safety, how they think spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste are currently being handled in the country, how today’s society should respond to the problem of radioactive waste, and how they view different issues of building a deep geological repository of radioactive waste.


Czech Public Opinion on Nuclear Energy – July 2021

In its July 2021 survey, the Our Society series included a battery of questions on issues of nuclear energy. The survey examined public opinion about whether the proportion of nuclear energy in electricity production should increase or decrease in future, what people think about building a new unit of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), whether or not they are concerned about the use of nuclear energy in the country, and whether they have confidence in the government’s decisions about the development of nuclear energy.


Public on Development of Electricity Consumption, and Possibility to Substitute Conventional Resources in Energy Production - July 2021

In the July survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the issue of energetics. The survey dealt with a question of the future development of electricity consumption in the country, and whether or not it is possible to replace the production of electricity from conventional sources with alternative sources.


Food Waste and the Shopping and Consumer Behaviour of Czech Households – Food 2021

In its special ‘Food 2021’ survey the Public Opinion Research Centre at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, examined the Czech public’s attitudes and opinions on the issue of food waste. More than two fifths (43%) of people believe that food waste is a big problem, while another approximately two-fifths (42%) believe that food waste is wrong but there are more urgent problems that need solving, and around one-seventh (14%) do not consider food waste to be a problem in society.

A more than one-half majority (53%) of respondents go shopping for food several times a week, one-quarter (25%) go grocery shopping once a week, and 10% of respondents shop every day.

The Czech public believe that food services are the biggest source of food waste, and that food production contributes the least to food waste. These results, however, are very different from EU estimates on this issue.


Environmentally friendly food consumption choices, shopping, and behaviour in Czech society – Food 2021

The most important factor the Czech public considers when shopping for food is price, followed by a food’s ingredients, while the least important factor is the food’s packaging.

For a more than one-half majority (51%) of respondents the environmental impact of how the foods they buy are produced is important to them, while for 45% this consideration is not important at all.

The absolute majority (91%) of the Czech public eat regular food without any restrictions, 3% are vegetarians and 3% are flexitarians, and the remaining 3% adhere to some other type of diet (gluten-free, health food, vegan).

One-third (33%) of respondents indicated they at least occasionally by organic food, which compared to 2020 is an increase of 10 percentage points.


Czech public opinion on sorting organic waste and composting – Food 2021

The Public Opinion Research Centre’s special ‘Food 2021’ survey also explored the subject of the sorting of organic waste and composting.

Almost three-quarters of Czech households sort their organic waste (32% always, 24% sometimes, 17% rarely) and less than one-quarter (24%) never do so.

 The most common methods of sorting organic waste used by Czech households are garden composting (43%) or the ‘brown-bin’ organic waste containers provided by public services (36%).

Almost one-half (49%) of respondents indicated that they at least sometimes use substrate compost for plant cultivation and just under one-third (31%) use commercially available compost for this purpose. 


Czech public opinion on CRISPR/Cas9 technology – Food 2021

The majority (84%) of the Czech Republic has never heard of the CRISPR/Cas9 method.

 A more than one-half majority (60%) of the Czech public agrees with the possibility of using the CRISPR/Cas9 method for medical purposes. The Czech public least agrees with the possibility oof using this method to improve the performance of athletes (66% do not agree with this idea).

On the matter of treating hereditary diseases, most respondents (37%) agreed with using the CRISPR/Cas9 method only in medically justified cases and on the condition that none of the patient’s altered genetic information be passed on to any offspring.


Czech Public Opinion on the Issue of GM Crops – Food 2021

In a special survey called Food 2021 the Public Opinion Research Centre at the Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, surveyed the Czech public for its opinions on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and crops (GM crops) used to produce the food we consume.

The majority of respondents (74%) surveyed said that were familiar with the term ‘genetically modified crops’. Just under one-tenth of them (8%) said they knew what it means, one-third (35%) said they had a rough idea, and almost one-third (31%) said they had heard the term but did not know what it means.

Slightly less than one-quarter (23%) of Czech citizens believe that the genetic modification of crops is morally wrong.

Almost one-half (47%) of respondents said they would be willing to take medicines that contain genetically modified organisms.


Czech Public on Global Environmental Problems - July 2021

In July within the regular research, the Centre for Public Opinion Research focused on the environment. Representatives of the Czech population answered questions on particular environmental phenomena in the sense of their problematic character. As the most serious problems were stated the garbage cumulation (for 65% “very serious" problem) and the ocean pollution (for 60% "very serious" problem).