The public on the transition to cleaner energy - autumn 2022

In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions focused on the transition of the energy industry to cleaner, more environmentally friendly energy sources in the production of heat and electricity. The survey specifically investigated how citizens evaluate the frugality of various energy sources in terms of the impact of their use on the environment, how they perceive the success or failure of the transition to cleaner sources in the Czech Republic, whether, in their opinion, the state should support the use of renewable energy sources, how it is important for them, whether the electricity they consume in their household comes from renewable sources, and whether they use or plan to use renewable sources for the production of heat or electricity, either in a community, such as multiple households within an apartment building, municipality or part of it , or independently in your own household.


The public on energy management - autumn 2022

In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions focused on the issue of energy management. The survey specifically investigated how the households of the respondents manage to cover the costs of electricity, fuel and water consumption, whether they have concerns regarding the provision of heating in the Czech Republic, what, in their opinion, are the possibilities of reducing energy consumption in their household and whether the development of the energy market will make their household to reduce consumption.


Security Threats for the Czech Republic in View of Public - November and December 2022

In November and December 2022, respondents had to assess security threats related to selected groups in the Czech Republic and they were also expressing views on threats by war, epidemics, natural disasters, economic crisis or resource crisis. These two questions were amended with an open question trying to find out, which countries represent a security threat for the Czech Republic. The survey also focused on expectations concerning the future of the personal life of citizens, the future of the Czech society and the future of the whole humankind.


Public Fears, Feeling of Safety and Satisfaction with the Activities of the Police – November and December 2022

In November survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, citizens answered questions concerning their fears, their sense of security and their satisfaction with the activities of the police.


The Public on Energy Policy and the So-Called European Green Deal - Autumn 2022

In the period from the first half of September to the beginning of November 2022, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions examined citizens' interest in the energy policy of the Czech Republic and also focused on the issue of the so-called European Green Agreement from 2020.


Czech Public Opinion on Nuclear Energy – Autumn 2022

In its Autumn 2022 survey, the Our Society series included a battery of questions on issues of nuclear energy. The survey examined public opinion about whether the proportion of nuclear energy in electricity production should increase or decrease in future, what people think about building a new unit of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), whether or not they are concerned about the use of nuclear energy in the country, and whether they have confidence in the government’s decisions about the development of nuclear energy. A newly included question also asked whether citizens know how the Czech state manages nuclear waste.


Attitudes of the Czech society towards an amendment of a law about Czech educational system, higher education fees and standardized secondary school graduation tests – September/November 2022

In the survey, which was conducted from the beginning of September to the beginning of November 2022, the CVVM asked a battery of questions examining the attitudes of Czech citizens towards the measures introduced by the amendment to the Czech Education Act. The measures approved by the amendment to the Czech Education Act relating to pre-school education are widely supported by the public. Less than three-fifths (58%) of respondents are against compulsory mathematics graduation, while more than one-third (35%) are in favour. The attitude of the Czech population towards the payment of tuition fees at public universities has long been negative (more than two-thirds are against) and has remained almost unchanged over time.


Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – September/November 2022

In a survey conducted from the beginning of September to the beginning of November 2022, the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR dealt with the long-standing and highly debated topic of climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic. Just under three-fifths (58%) of respondents are somewhat worried about the impacts of climate change (14% very worried, 44% somewhat worried), while 39% are not worried.


Evaluation of the state and protection of environment in the Czech Republic – September/November 2022

The Public Opinion Research Centre addressed environmental issues as part of its survey carried out between early September and early November 2022. In terms of the state of the environment, respondents rate the environment in their place of residence better (84%) compared to the overall state of the Czech Republic (75%), the best rating since 2002. The activity of municipal authorities (59% of positive answers) and environmental organisations (56% of positive answers) are the best rated in the field of environmental protection. More than four-fifths (84%) of respondents think that doing something for the environment is good, even if it costs time and money.


Life Satisfaction of Czechs over Time – "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras"

The Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Institute of Sociology of the CAS focused on the topic of life satisfaction in its special research carried out within the project "Research on the Covid and Postcovid Eras". The aim of the research was to find out how satisfied Czech citizens are with their lives at present and to compare the results with their life satisfaction in the past or in the future. The life satisfaction of Czech citizens has not changed over time and can be considered above average overall. Life satisfaction is related to educational attainment, age, subjectively assessed standard of living and health status.