The Opinions of Czech Citizens on Partnership, Marriage and Parenthood - April/May 2024

As part of the research conducted during the spring of 2024, the Centre for Public Opinion Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic focused in more detail on the topic of partnership, marriage and parenthood. Opinions on the optimal number of children in a family, the ideal age of men and women at the birth of their first child and other attitudes related to parenthood and partnership were examined.


Opinions on Various Characteristics of Energy Production Sources - August/September 2023

In the period from the end of July to the middle of the last decade of September 2023, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular Our Society survey. There were several questions included in the survey, through which the opinions of the Czech public on some characteristics of sources used in the production of electricity were examined.


Public Fears, Feeling of Safety and Satisfaction with the Activities of the Police – Autumn 2023

In its autumn survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre answered questions concerning the Czech public's fears, its sense of security, and its satisfaction with the activities of the police.


The Public on Energy Policy and the So-Called European Green Deal - August/September 2023

In the period from the the end of July to the mid of the third decade of September 2023, a block of questions devoted to energy issues was included in the regular research of Our Society. Part of the questions examined citizens' interest in the energy policy of the Czech Republic and also focused on the issue of the so-called European Green Deal from 2020.


People on Features and Risks of Nuclear Power - August/September 2023

In the period from the end of July to the middle of the last decade of September 2023, a block of questions devoted to the issue of nuclear energy was included in the regular survey of programme Our Society. Two batteries of questions were included in the survey, through which citizens' opinions on certain characteristics and risks associated with the production of electricity through nuclear fission were examined on an eleven-point scale.


Czech Public Opinion on Nuclear Energy – August/September 2023

In its August/Septemer 2023 survey, the Our Society series included a battery of questions on issues of nuclear energy. The survey examined public opinion about whether the proportion of nuclear energy in electricity production should increase or decrease in future, what people think about building a new unit of the Dukovany Nuclear Power Station (DNPS), whether or not they are concerned about the use of nuclear energy in the country, and whether they have confidence in the government’s decisions about the development of nuclear energy.


Attitudes of the Czech Public to Climate Change on Earth – August/September 2023

In a survey conducted from the end of July to the second half of September 2023, the CVVM SOÚ AV ČR dealt with the long-standing and highly debated topic of climate change on Earth. We were interested in what the Czech public thinks about this topic. Just three-fifths (60%) of respondents are somewhat worried about the impacts of climate change (15% very worried, 445 somewhat worried), while 38% are not worried.


Czech Public on Global Environmental Problems - August/September 2023

In its regular survey conducted in August and September 2023 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the environment. Representatives of the Czech population answered questions on particular environmental phenomena in the sense of their problematic character. As the most serious problems were stated the ocean pollution (for 65% "very serious" problem).


Evaluation of the state and protection of environment in the Czech Republic – August/September 2023

The CVVM SOÚ AV ČR surveyed the environmental topics in the period from August to September 2023. Respondents were asked how satisfied or dissatisfied they were with the condition of the environment in the Czech Republic generally and in their place of residence. They were also asked to evaluate the situation in relation to various activities or facts that have an impact on the state of the environment.


Attitudes of the Czech Public to an Amendment to the Education Act, Currently Proposed Measures and Inclusive Education – August/September 2023

As part of a periodical survey conducted by the CVVM from August to September 2023, selected citizens over the age of 15 were surveyed about their opinions regarding the inclusive education. Specifically, we examined views of the Czech public on whether children with physical, sensory or mental disabilities, children of foreign nationality, Roma children, children from poor or vice versa wealthy families and gifted children should be educated in mainstream classes. We also examined attitudes to measures implemented by an amendment to the Education Act and to currently proposed measures.

Czech citizens most often support measures regarding the preschool education. On the other hand, the least popular measure is a proposal to extend compulsory education to 10 years which is supported by less than a third (33 %).

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