Czechs and their opinion of quality of school education
CVVM in September survey investigated how Czech citizens evaluate the quality of education on all school levels. Part of press information is also comparison of actual results with findings from previous surveys. Then Czechs evaluated, which from the following characteristics (knowledge, independence, confidence, orientation in society, discipline, moral values) are best evolved by particular types of schools.
What is educational background influenced by?
In September survey approximately a two thirds of respondents expressed their opinion that everybody has a chance to get such education according to his or her abilities.. Then respondents had to answer a question, what circumstances and various facts influence educational background. Respondents often suppose human abilities and diligence to be important, when trying to get higher education. In other part of survey respondents had to talk about their own educational background.
Environment And Global Problems In View Of Czech Public
Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. People were asked whether they are interested in information concerning environmental situation in Czech Republic, if they have sufficiency or insufficiency of these information and how Czech Republic cares about protection of the environment in general. The survey also investigated how Czech citizens evaluate gravity of some problems related to global environment.
Ecological behaviour of Czechs
In May 2007 Centre for Public Opinion Research investigated how Czechs and their households are active in environment protection and what possible precautions concerning environment protection they would agree with. The results are filled in with comments concerning sorting of answers according to sociodemographic indicators.
Evaluation of information presented in media
As a part of March survey realized by CVVM there were some questions focused on Czech citizens´ evaluation of media. The most-watched TV channel and radio stations were included in the survey as well as the national dailies and some selected internet news websites. Respondents were asked to evaluate whether these media inform objectively and how objective they are. Because currently the most widespread media is TV so we asked people how often they watch Media coverage and what TV News are their favourite and then there was a question whether this TV News inform them about important events.
Citizens about living together with Romany population and their chances at society
Public attitudes to Romany minority and public opinions on chances of Romanies to assert themselves in society were investigated by Centre for Public Opinion Research in May 2007. CVVM also focused on topic such as respondents´ opinions on living together of Romany and non-Romany populations in the Czech Republic as well as at the place they live, if respondents have such an experience. Then respondents had to compare chances of Romany and non-Romany citizens in some areas of public life: getting qualification, access to housing, education, personal security and development of their own culture.
Czech citizens and the environment protection
Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment. People were questioned about their satisfaction with environmental conditions in the Czech Republic as well as at the place they live in general and in some concrete ways and they were also asked to evaluate activity of some institutions and organizations in connection with care and protection of the environment.
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Public Attitude to Death Penalty
In May survey Centre for Public Opinion Research SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., asked respondents about their attitude to Death penalty. As a part of this press information the answers of respondents are sorted according to socio-demographic indicators a there is also time comparison with results from previous results, because this question has been a part of continual CVVM surveys since 1992.
Public opinion about foeticide and euthanasia
In May survey Public Opinion Research Center focused on public opinions of women´s right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Within the survey people also have been expressing their sentiment about acceptability or unacceptability of euthanasia. As a part of this press information there were answers sorted according to socio-demographic indicators and table with data from previous surveys.
Czech citizens´ attitude to rights of homosexual couples
In May survey CVVM focused on public opinions of rights of gays and lesbians such as right to get married, right for registered partnership and right for children adoption. As a part of this press information there were answers sorted according to socio-demographic indicators and according to answer on a question whether a respondent knows a gay or a lesbian personally.
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