Czechs and Christmas

In December survey there were included some questions focused on respondents´ relationship to Christmas. Survey showed us that three querters of Czechs are looking forward to Christmas, opposite feeling is shared by every tenth Czech citizen. Almost all respondents give presents to their close family or friends, only 3 % of people do not give presents for anybody. 94 % of respondents suppose Christmas to be family feast, 85 % of addressed citizens keep some customs and traditions.


Figures of Gift-Bearers in the Light of Public Opinion

Infant Jesus is by far the most popular figure related to distribution of presents within the Czech society. Traditional Czech "gift-bearers", i.e. Infant Jesus or St. Nicholas with the Angel and the Devil prevail vastly in popularity over imported figures of Grandpa Frost and Santa Claus.


Men´s and women´s roles

November survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated public opinions about division of men´s and women´s roles in families. Both partners should share worries about education, budget, hobbies and contacts. Career building is supposed to belong to men´s activities or activities of both partners, but mainly it should belong to a men´s role. On the other hand cooking is considered as women´s domain. Looking after children, shopping and cleaning are activities that should be shared by both partners, which is opinion of about half of respondents.


Marriages in the Czech Republic

In November survey CVVM SOÚ AV focused on public attitude to weddings and ideal age to have a first child.

Marriage is not worthless institution for 70 % of respondents. More than 60 % of unmmarried people would like to get married in future (64,4 % of women and 63,6 % of men) and a sixth of divorced people wish to marry somebody in future (16,9 % women, 16,0 % men). Only a few widowed people want to get married, 3,2 % widowed women and any widowed men.


Beer in Czech Society in 2006

In September 2006 within the project of continual monitoring of Czech public opinion Our Society some questions used in research - Pubs and Beer in Czech Society in 2004 were repeated. Results of the survey provide us with both topical view of current situation of some aspects of position of beer and pubs in Czech society and of related questions of their development.


Beer Consumption in Czech Society in 2006

Within the project - monitoring of beer phenomenon in Czech society beer consumption and its popularity were surveyed. Press information brings basic information about current structure of popular drinks, trends in beer consumption and development of rate of beer consumption.


Beer choosing by Czech consumers

Press release offers basic information about some aspects that determine beer choosing strategies of Czech consumers. There are also mentioned topics such as the type of popular beer, concrete beer brand preference, preference of products breweries regionally close to respondents´ residence and importance of price and taste when choosing a beer.


Public Opinions of Czech Beer and Brewing

Press release monitors some aspects of Czech citizen’s attitudes to beer and brewing. There are mentioned questions about public attitudes to high rate of consumed beer in Czech Republic, import of foreign beer on Czech market or expectation of development of Czech beer and brewing.


Position of Czech Pub among Gastronomical Facilities

Press release contains analysis of questions related to the topic of gastronomical facilities and especially of the position of Czech pub in the structure of eating facilities and in the Czech society in general. There are also analysed topics such as popularity of eating places or specification of guests of traditional Czech pubs.


Czech citizens about media and politics

In October survey we asked respondents whether media influence decisions of politicians. More than a half of respondents agreed that media influence decisions of politicians (20 % definitely „yes“, 33 % rather „yes“ ) A quarter of people think that media have no such influence (rather „no“) and a tenth suposse media not to have definitely such influence.

According to 80 % of respondents Česká televize has main influence on decisions of politicians, Nova 73 % and Prima 59 %.