Left-right political orientation and ideas about the most acceptable political platform and opinions on the role of the state
As a part of November survey there was a question about position of czech public in the left-right political spectrum.
One can see that in the left-right political spectrum, the czech population is divided in a way that corresponds with most patterns in the population. The most of people represents average figures (20 %) and their number is slowly decreasing towards the edges. Only 3 % of respondents place themselves to both extreme categories.
Evaluation of governmental activism and Prime Minister
In November 2005 respondents had to evaluate government actions and mark recent activity of prime minister.
Most of respondents judged critically government actions ( 11 % definitely negatively, 41 % , rather negatively). On contrary almost a third of respondents assessed it positively (3 % definitely positively,34 % rather positively).
Prime minister gained average evaluation. Almost a tenth of respondents gave mark 1 to prime minister.
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation
Confidence in constitutional institutions has not almost changed since last month. In November 2005 Czech 69 % of Czech citizens trusted to the president of the country. 42% of respondents trust in government. Both Chambers of Parliament were considered to be least trustworthy.
24% of Czech citizens trust in Chamber of Deputies and 23% people confide in Senate. 43 % respondents find their Regional council trustworthy and 61 % of respondents trust in their Local councils.
Party Preferences in November 2005
All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).
The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.
Parties and voters
Those polled who preferred or sympathised with a particular political party were asked a repeated question examining the intensity of the relation with this political party.
Only 11% of voters classified themselves as staunch party supporters. Almost every third voter (currently 27%) consistently prefers a particular political party just because it annoys them the least (i.e. there is no party that the voter would ?like?).
Confidence in social institutions in our country and in people around us.
Trust in various social institutions is monitored by CVVM in the long
run. Last survey has been made in October 2005.
People place the greatest trust in persons they know and in the president.
The political Parties are found the least trustworthy.
Popularity of top politicians
In October survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated whether the respondents confide in selected constitutional bodies.
The submitted list included the names of 25 politicians (all members of the government, president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies,
leaders of parliamentary parties and EU-commissioner Špidla).
President Václav Klaus is considered to be the most trustworthy person, he enjoys trust expressed by almost two thirds of respondents(65%).
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation
Confidence in constitutional institutions has not almost changed since last month. In October 2005 Czech 71 % of czech citizens trusted to the president of the country. President has been found the most trustworthy constitutional institution since September 2003. 42 % of respondents trust in government. Both Chambers of Parliament were considered to be least trustworthy. 26% of czech citizens trust in Chamber of Deputies and 24 % people confide in Senate.
Party preferences in October 2005
All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).
The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.
Israel and Palestine in Czech Public Opinion
In September survey 28 % of respondents stated they are interested in situation in Palestine and Israel, on contrary 69 % of respondents stated they are not interested in it. Czech public is mainly sceptical when judging current relations between Palestine and Israel. Only 2 % of respondents evaluate these relations as rather good, 12 % of respondents suppose these relations to be neither good nor bad and three fifths of respondents consider the relations to be bad.
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