Confrontation of current political conditions to political conditions before november 1989

The most of repondents (38%) expressed their opinion, that the current political conditions are almost same as political conditions before a year 1989. Approximatelly a third of respondents think that curent political conditions are better than political conditions before a year 1989.On contrary a fifth of respondents believe that political conditions before a year 1989 were better than those in present.


Evaluation of Relations with Neighbouring States

As usual relations of Czech Republic with Slovakia were best evaluated (92% good relations), relations with Poland (91%). A little less of respondents (83%) supposed relations of Czech Republic with Hungary to be good or probably good. People judge relations of Czech Republic with Germany to be good (80%), to be bad (14%), it was similar when judging relations of Czech Republic with Austria (76% good), (17% bad).


Trust in monitored international institutions and attitudes to foreign politics and to position of the USA in the world

Trust in all monitored international institutions outbalances distrust in them.

The most trusted position among all monitored international institutions enjoys OSN. Three fifths of respondents (61%) confide in OSN, while a quarter of respondents (26%) expressed their distrust

in it. More than a half of repondents (56%) trust in European Union, on the other hand 35% distrust in it.

NATO has relatively less of trustees (48%), when two fifths of respondents do not trust in NATO.


Benes Decrees and czech public

In February survey CVVM focused in one of its topics on Benes Decrees.The first question had to represent czech public opinions about validity of Benes Decrees in future. 64% of respondents think that the Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 7 % stood up for their cancellation, 29% did not answered this question.

Expulsion of Sudet-German is considered to have been just by almost two thirds of respondents (54%), on the other hand a total of 27 % think it unjust.


Iraq from czech public point of view

Retrospectively 27 % of czech citizens agree with attack on Iraq, 64% of respondents disagree with it.

A fifth of respondents think, that military intervention of USA and states of alliance in Iraq helped to limit terorism in the world, on contrary 7 out of 10 respondents do not think so.

More than three fifths of citizens(61%) critically evaluate situation in Iraq, only 4 respondents out of 100 evaluate situation in Iraq well.


Czech citizens and European Constitution

In February CVVM interrogated respondents about public opinions on european constitution.

More than a half of respondents agree with united constitution, that would be in force for every single

member of European Union. On the contrary a quarter of citizens is against it.

There is very low awareness of content of European constitution among most of czech citizens.

Six out of ten respondents expressed that they are not informed about European constitution at all, more than a third of citizens know hardly something about it.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In February 2005, Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, who enjoyed confidence of 70 % of czech citizens. In comparism to previous month Czech goverment’s position slightly worsened, though it enjoys confidence from a third of czech citizens. In comparism to January 2005 the Chamber of Deputies registered more important fall of trustworthiness , when approximately a fifth of citizens trust to czech goverment according to our survey.


Public opinions and possible changes of current political system

According to January survey more than 80 % of citizens would gladly accept a chance to decide important problems in referendum. 8 out of 10 citizens criticise high expenses of pre-election campaign, 80% of respondents suggested limiting of these expenses. Almost three quarters of respondents wish, the President of the Czech Republic was elected by all voters.

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Enhancing public participation at local government elections

In January in its periodical survey CVVM devoted to the topic of electoral participation and non-participation. More than half of respondents expressed their opinion, what they find

as a desirable thing, that the Czech State should start campaign to raise electoral participation. On the other way 3 out of 10 respondents do not suppose it as

a desirable thing.More than tenth of czech citizens could not give their opinion to that question.


Electoral (non)participation

Most of the respondents addressed by CVVM in January supposed the electoral participation

to be quite low or very low in Czech Republic ( 42 actually 45% of .respondents).

More than two thirds of respondents assume low electoral participation to be a societal problem,

(25% definitely yes, 40% probably yes).According to more than the half of addressed respondents the causes of low participation in local autority elections are basically in that the citizens are disgusted with politics.