Trust To Some Public Institutions

As a part of March CVVM survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to Courts, Police, Army, Media, Labour Unions and Churches. The press information covers also a longterm development of trust to these public institutions since 1993.


Czechs about their earnings and satisfying of life necessaries

In April survey CVVM investigated subjective opinions of Czechs about living standard of their households. First questions were focused on objective evaluation of this topic, respondents were asked to say whether they suppose their household to be rich or poor and whether they had problems to live on from their salaries and whether their household was in financial crisis last year. Following question was used to investigate whether it is difficult to meet some life requirements such as foodstuff, clothes and shoes, housing, water and energy, furniture, common non-food products, cultural and sport activities, health care and education.


Public attitudes to european integration and values exercised in EU

In April CVVM survey respondents were asked to evaluate exercise of selected values in the EU. All respondents were also questioned, whether according to their opinion democracy, co-operation, tolerance, justice and solidarity are being exercised in EU. Furthermore respondents expressed their opinions about usefulness or harmfulness of European integration in areas of economy, politics, culture, country defence and ecology.


Evaluation of Some Social Conditions in the CR

In April survey CVVM was also interested in public evaluation of some social conditions in the Czech Republic. Our interviewers asked respondents how they evaluate this situation in following areas in our country: chance to get a flat, financial conditions to start a family, chances to have children, social security for the elderly, chance to work or to be employed, access to health care and access to education.


EU Membership of the Czech Republic in eyes of public

In April survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i. focused on topic European integration and EU membership of the Czech Republic. We were interested in how Czech citizens are satisfied with membership of our country in EU and whether they are proud of being members of EU. Within the April survey we asked respondents, whether they think that decisions made by EU will be in the Czech Republic interest and whether these decisions will be in the interest of people, such as themselves.


Political culture in the Czech Republic

Czech citizens are critical when talking about political culture of most of politically active people. More than a half of respondents evaluate political culture of members of Local Councils positively (59 % positively, negatively 29 %). Positive evaluation of members of Regional Councils also prevails (39 % positively, 23 % negatively). Positive attitude towards political culture of members of Government is shared by a third of Czechs (24 %).


People on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic

About two thirds (68 %) of Czech citizens do not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand a quarter (26 %) of respondents would approve it. More than three quarters (77 %) of respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 18 % of Czechs disagree with holding a plebiscite in this matter. People who are against the referendum are for the most part supporters of idea to locate the U.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in April 2007

The president has been the most trustworthy constitutional institution in the long term and he enjoys trust expressed by almost three quarters of Czech citizens at this time (74 %). In the beginning of April the Government was found trustworthy by three out of ten Czechs. In comparison to previous month number of those who trust to Government has little dropped. Currently 23 % of Czech public find Chamber of Deputies trustworthy, while nearly a quarter of people (24 %) confide in Senate.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in April 2007

In April survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


What about Czechs and toleration?

In March 2007 CVVM used some questions focused on public tolerance to some groups of people. Czechs were show a list of 14 groups of people and they had to say, whether they would not want these people as their neighbours. Negative attitude to neighbourhood of four groups was expressed by Czech people. These groups consist of drug addicts, 87 % of Czech would not want them to be their neighbours. Four fifths of Czech citizens (81 %) would not like to live close to alcoholics and 77 % of Czechs would not want people with criminal past in their neighbourhood.


When should politicians abdicate?

In March 2007 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR did a survey, what affairs in public and political life are according to Czechs compatible with holding office and which ones should lead to resignation of a politician. Most Czech people take radical attitude to politicians who are sentenced or charged of crime (this is in both cases – when a crime relates to holding office and when a crime is not in relation to holding office as well) – agreement with resignation was almost unanimous.


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