Inflation And Real Income Of Households In View Of Public - May/July 2022

In the summer 2022 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined three questions related to inflation and real income of households.


Citizens on Material Living Conditions of Their Households - May/July 2022

In a survey conducted in the period since middle of May to the beginning of July 2022 the Public Opinion Research Centre examined two questions related to evaluation of material living conditions of respondent's households, and to expectation of development of these conditions in this year.


Evaluation of Some Social Conditions - May/July 2022

In period from May to July 2022 Public Opinion Research Centre's survey investigated views of Czech citizens on some social conditions.

From all specific social conditions included in the survey people evaluate mostly positively the accessibility of education (89% positively, 6% critically), the health care (83% : 15%), and a chance to get a job (66% : 20%). All other monitored areas of social conditions - i.e. a chance to get a flat (10% positively, 86% critically), to buy a flat or house (10% : 86%), financial situation to start a family with children (23% : 72%), social security for the elderly (30% : 66%), and life conditions for the handicapped (30% : 52%) - are evaluated mostly critically.


Citizens on Economic Situation of Their Households – May/July 2022

The Public Opinion Research Centre in its June survey examined how Czech citizens perceive the financial situation of their households. They evaluated whether it is difficult to make ends meet with their earnings, but also talked about attitudinal feeling of poverty.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation - May/July of 2022

In the period from half of May to the beginning of July of 2022 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this survey there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.


Czech Public on Conflict in Ukraine - Spring 2022

In a survey conducted in period since the end of March to the beginning of May 2022, the Public Opinion Research Centre focused a set of questions on the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The survey examined how citizens evaluate measures of Czech government supporting Ukraine in war with Russia, how they see eventual steps of international community aimed at stopping of the conflict, to which extant they are afraid of eventual use of nuclear weapons by Russia, how they see eventual incorporation of Ukraine into NATO and EU, and what they personally were doing in reaction to current situation.


Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees from Ukraine – Spring 2022

In Spring 2022, the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned a set of questions about the attitudes of the Czech public to receiving refugees from Ukraine.


Czech Public Opinion on the Current Situation in Ukraine – Spring 2022

In the opinion poll carried out in Spring 2022 by the Public Opinion Research Centre, questions regarding the current situation in Ukraine were included. More specifically, the questionnaire asked surveyors about their concerns for the situation in Ukraine, and their perception of it as a security threat to the Czech Republic, Europe, and the World.


Czech citizens on the Czech Republic’s membership in NATO – Spring 2022

In the spring 2022 Public Opinion Research Centre carried out a survey about NATO. Within the project were examined satisfaction with membership in NATO. 73% of Czech citizens are satisfied with the Czech Republic's membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, almost a fifth (19%) is dissatisfied.


Confidence in Some Representatives in International Context - Spring 2022

Spring 2022 survey focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives in international politics. Respondents were asked to express their confidence or non-confidence in some main figures of international policy and persons involved in recent important events as well as supreme representatives of Central European countries.


Czech Citizens about Defense of the Czech Republic – Spring 2022

In the spring of 2022 the Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to NATO and defense of Czech Republic in general in its survey. Questions focused mainly on ability of the Czech Republic to defend its own sovereingty, attitudes towards defense expenditures, and exaluation of army's quality in comparison to developed western countries.


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Panel 3

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