Infographics: Prestige of Occupations - June 2013

Sociopress in cooperation with CVVM created infographics about the prestige of occupations for Czech public in June 2013. You can see it at:

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Prestige of Occupations - June 2013

In its regular survey ‘Our society’ in June 2013 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the reputation of 26 selected occupations.


Evaluation of Economic Situation and Material Living Conditions in Central European Comparison - Summer 2013

In June 2013 CVVM investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in the Czech Republic. During June and July comparable surveys on this theme were carried out also in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.


Economical Crisis In View Of Czech Public - June 2013

According to June survey 48% of Czechs are concerned with the situation regarding present economical crisis, 50% do not care about it.


Satisfaction with the Situation in Selected Areas of Public Life - June 2013

In June 2013, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in 29 selected areas of public life. The best evaluated areas are the selection of goods and services (76 % satisfied) and culture (61 %). The worst evaluated items are corruption (87 % dissatisfied), economic crime (79 %), unemployment (78 %), the situation in public finances (73 %), the political situation (70 %) and the area of social security (66 %).


Citizen's Views on Drugs - May 2013

The survey of May touched briefly the issue of drugs in the Czech Republic. People were asked whether and how much they perceive the current situation regarding drug use to be a problem in the Czech Republic as a country, and specifically in their place of residence. Furthermore, the survey investigated whether institutions in the Czech Republic deal with the drug problem adequately, and some issues regarding addicted persons and their treatment.


Public opinion on the issue of HIV/AIDS - May 2013

Public attitudes to HIV/AIDS were the topic of the May survey. Majority of Czechs (80 %) are not afraid of HIV infection, but 74 % percent of them believe that AIDS currently poses problem for the Czech Republic. Sixty two percent believe that the relevant institutions engage in AIDS issues adequately. 


Job Satisfaction and Job Change - June 2013

June's survey of CVVM asked questions regarding the relationship of workers to their jobs. On the one hand, the survey focused on the topics such as job satisfaction, perception of workplace climate and subjective evaluation of adequacy of earnings. On the other hand, the aim was also to determine, what is the proportion of workers considering the possibility of changing their job, what they think about the probability of job loss and what would be the pattern of searching for a new job opportunity in such a case.


Willingness to take up employment - June 2013

In June survey CVVM investigated whether the respondents in case of their unemployment would accept a job requiring certain concessions, such as overtime work, nightwork, work on weekends or higher work rate.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Czech Public on Unemployment - June 2013

In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens related to the level and the future trend of unemployment in Czech Republic as well as to the situation on labour-market in the place of their living.


Evaluation of the Activities of Political Parties and Selected Institutions - June 2013

In June's survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated the activities of political parties and institutions. Standard school classification was used for the evaluation, where the best performance is represented by number one and the worst performance by number five. The best rating, with an average score of less than 3, was received by the Ombudsman (2,47) followed by the President of the Republic (2,87). The best evaluated party was the Czech Social Democratic Party (3,17). The remaining institutions and political parties were evaluated as follows: the President of the Senate (3,39), the President of the Chamber of Deputies (3,47), the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (3,57), the Senate (3,57), the party TOP 09 (3,67), the premier (3,69), the Government (3,79), the Czech Social Democratic Party (3,83), the Chamber of Deputies (3,83) and the political party Public Affairs (4,18).


Panel 1

Panel 3

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