Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - November 2012

According to the November survey of CVVM, 70% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 24% view it as neither good nor bad and 5% consider it to be good.


Attitudes of Czechs towards U.S. Foreign Policy and Role of America in the World - November 2012

71% of Czechs against 17% think that the U.S. in their foreign policy prioritize their own power and economic interests, and 44% against 40% believe that U.S. do not take into consideration the opinion of the world community.


Czechs on U.S. Presidential Election - November 2012

More than two fifths (42%) of Czech citizens were at least partly interested in American presidential election.


Confidence to Some Representatives in International Context - November 2012

November survey focused on attitudes of Czechs to some representatives of international politics. Respondents were asked to express their confidence or non-confidence to some main figures of international policy and persons involved in recent important events as well as supreme representatives of Central European countries.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in November 2012

In November 2012 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, Government, President, Local and Regional Councils.


Dissolution of Czechoslovakia: 20 Years Since the Establishment of the Independent Czech and Slovak Republic

Next year, it will be 20 years since the split of Czechoslovakia into two independent republics. On the occasion of this anniversary, Public Opinion Research Centre and Institute for Public Affairs in Bratislava in cooperation with Focus agency investigated public opinion regarding the dissolution of Czechoslovakia and the creation of the independent state. This press release contains comparison of Czech and Slovak citizens' opinion about several things related to this topic.


Public Opinion on the Split of Czechoslovakia

Next year it will be 20 years since the split of Czechoslovakia into two independent republics. In its regular survey in November 2012, Public Opinion Research Centre investigated public opinion regarding the dissolution of Czechoslovakia. This press release contains time comparison of three regularly asked questions related to this issue.


Twenty Years After: How the Czech Public Perceives the Split of Czechoslovakia?

An early November survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre was focused on the split of Czechoslovak federation twenty years ago.


The Relation of Czechs to the Life in Slovakia

Novembers' survey of CVVM comprised questions concerning the twentieth anniversary of the split of Czechoslovakia and the emergence of the independent Czech state. CVVM also asked about the contemporary relation of Czechs towards Slovaks. On the one hand, we made an inquiry about the interest of Czechs in different areas of life in Slovakia, on the other hand, we focused on the number of information about the life in Slovakia that Czechs have to their disposal. In comparison with other areas of life, Czechs are especially interested in the life of ordinary people in Slovakia, but they don't have enough information about it.


Support of Presidential Candidates in November 2012

In the November survey, CVVM investigated the support of presidential candidates. In the press release there are three types of information: declared turnout in the direct election of the President, voting behaviour of those who intend to participate in the elections and the strength of the decision to choose a particular candidate.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in November 2012

In November survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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