Willingness to take up employment - June 2012

In June survey CVVM investigated eventual behaviour in the course of finding of a new job in the case of being unemployed.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Prestige of Occupations - June 2012

In its regular survey ‘Our society’ in June 2012 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the reputation of 26 selected occupations. The most prestigious occupation according to the opinion of the Czech population is a medicine doctor, followed by a scholar, a university educator, a nurse and a teacher on basic school.


Job Satisfaction and Job Change - June 2012

June's survey of CVVM asked questions regarding the relationship of workers to their jobs. On the one hand, the survey focused on the topics such as job satisfaction, perception of workplace climate and subjective evaluation of adequacy of earnings. On the other hand, the aim was also to determine, what is the proportion of workers considering the possibility of changing their job, what do they think is the probability of job loss and what would be the patterns of searching for a new job opportunities in such a case. The main finding is that the job satisfaction of working people is not changing noticeably and that the concerns about job loss are not raising significantly either. All questions have been responded to only by economically active population.


Czech Public on Unemployment - June 2012

In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens related to the level and the future trend of unemployment in Czech Republic as well as to the situation on labour-market in the place of their living. 68 % respondents declared that unemployment is too high, which is more that in the last year (61 %) and especially in comparison to the situation before economical crisis (2008: 36 %). Future trend view follows the current situation on the labor market.


Public Opinion on Environmentally Friendly Behaviour - May 2012

In May 2012 Public Opinion Research Centre asked questions about environment. People were inquired about their activities in environment protection. We also investigated, if Czechs are interested in information about the environment and have enough of this kind of information.


Public Opinion on Rights of Homosexuals - May 2012

In May 2012, CVVM survey focused on public opinion on rights of gays and lesbians such as right to get married, right for registered partnership and right for children adoption.


Satisfaction with the situation in areas of public life - June 2012

In June 2012, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in selected areas of public life (29 areas were selected).Citizens of the Czech Republic are the most satisfied with the offer of goods and services (75 % satisfied), culture (59 %). Czechs are dissatisfied with the corruption (92 % dissatisfied), economic crime (81 %), the unemployment (77 %) the political situation (76 %) and the situation of public finance (75 %).


Evaluation of Regional Self-governments - June 2012

June's survey of CVVM paid attention to how people evaluate the activity of regional self-governments. Questions focused on whether the citizens are satisfied with the activity of Regional Councils during the last electoral period, whether they feel to be informed sufficiently about what is happening in the region and what is their opinion on the way the regional self-government has been dealing with issues in different areas of public life.


Popularity of Top Politicians

In June 2012 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected top politicians. They were given a list with 27 names of top politicians. In a survey there were included names of membres of Parliament,  president, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies, leaders of political parties in Parliament and chief of Constitutional Court.


Evaluation of the activities of political parties and selected institutions - June 2012

In June survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, the citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated the activity of political parties and institutions. For evaluation was used Czech school classification, where the best is number one and the worst is number five.


Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - June 2012

According to the June survey of CVVM, 67% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 26% view it as neither good nor bad and 6% consider it to be good.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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