Public about the Prague Spring and about the Communist invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968

In January 2008 Centre for Public Opinion Research surveyed opinions about the Prague Spring and about the Communist invasion of Czechoslovakia in August 1968. The respondents were asked if they have a lot of informations about these topics and how strong was, in their opinion, the impact of selected social groups and institutions on the events of 1968 in Czechoslovakia. The survey also focused on how importace of those events the Czech citizens ascribe.


Evaluation of economic situation and material living conditions

In June 2008 CVVM investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in our country, as well. Survey on this theme was also carried out in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.


Citizens on Recognition of Kosovo by Czech Government

June survey of CVVM was dealing with a situation related to recent unilateral declaration of independence of Serbian province of Kosovo and with diplomatic recognition of independent Kosovo by the government of Czech Republic. 30 % of Czech citizens agree with the May decision of Topolanek's government to recognize Kosovo as an independent state, 31 % disagrees and 39 % is undecided in this matter.


Czechs about unemployment

In June survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens on the level of unemployment in Czech Republic. Then respondents evaluated situation on labor-market in the place of their living and we also wanted to know their behavior in the course of finding of new job in the case of unemployment.


Citizens on U.S. Anti-Missile Radar Base in Czech Republic

According to June survey of CVVM SOÚ AV ČR 66 % of Czech citizens did not agree with planned deployment of U.S. anti-missile radar in Czech Republic, on the other hand 26 % of respondents would approve it. 68 % respondents expressed their opinion that this question should be decided in a referendum, 23 % of Czechs disagreed with holding a plebiscite in this matter. People who are against the referendum are for the most part supporters of idea to locate the U.


Czechs and their satisfaction with environmental conditions

Within May survey CVVM focused on the environment people were questioned about their satisfaction with environmental conditions in the Czech Republic as well as at the place they live in general and in some concrete ways.


Public Opinion on Information about Environment

In May 2008 Centre for Public Opinion Research asked questions about environment. More than a half of population (59 %) is interested in information about the environment and 36 % of people say they have enough this kind of information. The second issue was how to behave environmentally friendly. About two thirds (68 %) of Czechs are interested in information how to behave environmentally friendly and more than a half (55 %) have enough of these information.


Public Opinion on the Treaty of Lisbon

In June 2008 Centre for Public Opinion Research surveyed opinions about the Lisbon Treaty. Only one fifth of Czech population (22 %) knows what the term „Lisbon Treaty“ means. People do not seem to be informed well, because a strong majority (73 %) of them says that they do not have enough information. Czech population is not concerned in the Lisbon Treaty, too, while only 17 % shows some kind of interest.


Citizens about the presidency to the European Union

In June survey the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on topic of the presidency of the European Union. The Czech Republic will assume the presidency of the EU on 1 January 2009. The respondents were asked if they are interested in this topic or if they have a lot of informations about the presidency. The survey also investigated citizens´ evaluation of the Czech Republic’s preparations for the presidency.


Czech Health system in View of Public

As a part of June survey realized by CVVM there were the questions about health system.

In the concrete, the poll concentrated on selected aspects of the medical care, for example, how the respondents rate the physicians, when serving medical information, or if the patients have the possibility to decide on their treatment. Press release also includes comparison of actual findings with results from previous surveys.


Satisfaction with current conditions of some areas of public life

As a part of June survey realized by CVVM there was a question which asked how informants would evaluate some areas of public life. People are most satisfied with supply of goods and services (80 % of respondents expressed their satisfaction), with current situation of Czech culture (60 %) and with relationships of the Czech Republic with foreign countries (45 %). On the contrary dissatisfaction prevails with such areas as a corruption and economical criminality.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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