Evaluation of environment protection

In May survey CVVM focused on questions concerning environment. Respondents had to evaluate how some enchosen state institutions and ecological organizations take care of environment. The best evaluated were ecological organizations and local councils. Parliament was the the worst evaluated. Question, whether Czech Republic sufficiently cares about environment , has divided our respondents into two almost same parts.


Ecological behaviour

In May 2006 CVVM investigated topic – environment. 41% of respondents take always dangerous waste to special enchosen places and other 30 % does it often. Same number of respondents sort domestic waste (39% always and 36% often). The number of people, who exceptionally or never buy ecological friendly products, lower number of drives because of enviroment protection and save energies and water because of nature protection, prevails.


Public opinion about environment

As a part of May survey there were some questions concerning public opinion of environment. The results show us that most respondents are satisfied with environment in the place they live. Dissatisfaction with it was expressed by a quarter of respondents. Environment in Czech Republic is positively evaluated by a half of respondents on contrary almost a half of people are dissatisfied with it.


Citizens about voting decision-making and influences which are touching it

Polled citizens arrogate a significant influence on voting decision-making to all inquired factors more often when judging their impact on other people than personally on themselves. Mass media, political beliefs and long-term biases to a political party are most often counted as influential factors on voting decision in case of other people. Political beliefs, pre-electoral party platforms and long-term biases to a political party are most often evaluated as important in case of personal voting decision of polled individuals.


Opinions of Czech public on some aspects of this year's elections

47 % of polled citizens see platforms of political parties as quite different; two fifths (41 %) think that they are not much different. 38 % of Czechs accept the negative campaign bent on political rivals, 53 % disapprove such a campaign. Only one quarter of citizens thinks that newly elected MPs will represent interests of their voters properly. 50 % of respondents believed that the upcoming elections can make significant changes, 39 % expressed the opposite stance.


Public evaluation of election campaign

In May survey we asked respondents about their opinion of current election campaign. A half of respondents dislike current election campaign (answers I definitely dislike and I rather dislike), almost a third of respondents does not watch election campaign and 15 % of people said they like it. (answers I definitely like and I rather like).

Respondents also talked about their attitude to election campaign of some Parties.


Czech public and election campaign

In May survey we asked respondents some questions to investigate how they evaluate

current election campaign, whether they are interested in pre-elect situation and whether think that they are well informed about pre-election events.

Survey showed us that election campaign is watched by 40 % of people (answers :I definitely watch (7 %)+ I rather watch(33 %)); two thirds of respondents are not interested in it at all: 40 % of respondents told our questioners that they do not watch it (rather) and 20% of czech citizens said they do not watch (definitely) election campaign.


Public opinion on importance of public participation in the oncoming elections to Chamber of Deputies

Three quarters of Czech citizens suppose public participation in June elections to Chamber of Deputies to be important, on contrary 17 % of respondents expressed their distrust to importance of electoral participation. Among most frequent arguments supporting importance of electoral participation there are suggestions that voting is a chance to express sb. opinion and public will and that elections will influence future political progress and development of society.


Popularity of Top Politicians

CVVM Sociologického ústavu AV ČR zjišťovalo v květnovém šetření, zda dotázaní důvěřují vybraným ústavním činitelům (viz tabulky 1 a 2). Předložený seznam obsahoval jména 26 politiků. Do výzkumu byli vedle standardně zařazovaných členů vlády, prezidenta, předsedů Senátu a Poslanecké sněmovny a předsedů parlamentních stran tentokrát výjimečně začleněni také ombudsman a předseda Strany zelených, která má z mimoparlamentních subjektů v nadcházejících volbách největší šanci získat křesla v Poslanecké sněmovně.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

Citizen’s trust to all monitored constitutional institutions has not changed since last month. President of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution for over a year. In May 2006 44% of respondents supposed government to be trustworthy. The lowest number of trustees was monitored when considering both Chambers of Czech Parliament. Satisfaction with current political situation in this country has been stable for several months.


Public opinion of living together with Romany population and their chances at society

In April survey CVVM also focused on public attitude and public relationships between czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed us, that approximately three sixths of czech citizens (69 %) suppose living together (Romany and non-Romyny population) to be problematic. If we compare these data with previous surveys we can see, that since 1997 public attitude to relationships between Romany and non – Romany population has got better.


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