Relationship to traditions

In December survey, there was included a question focused on respondents´relationship to traditions. They talked about what concrete kinds of traditions are significant for them. The answers represented different types of traditions – national, religious and familial and folk ones. The survey showed that more than a half of Czechs consider traditions as important, excepting the „attendance of divine services“.


Evaluation of Political Parties

In December survey CVVM asked respondents a question, how would they evaluate activity of some political Parties in last 12 months. They could use same evaluation as at school, where number 1 was the best evaluation and number 5 the worst one.

Survey proved that Greens were best evaluated Party (3,07), followed by ODS (3,26).KSČM and ČSSD got worse evaluation (they both share average marks over 3,5).


What Should Be Priorites In Population Policy?

Over 80 % of respondents agreed with support of flexible working time or with support of part time job for parents with little children, with marriage loan and with tax cut for people with children. Support of prolongation of maternity holiday with 69 % of salary and common taxation, children benefit rise and running of public nursery at every primary school was expressed by 70 - 80 % of people.


What do Czechs worry about and their attitude to the future

More than two thirds of Czechs (66 %) have a pesimistic attitude to the future. Their worries are not shared by 34 % of people. It was proved by results of last survey made by CVVM in year 2006, where questions investigating public attitude to their personal life or evaluation of future life of the society were included. People are mostly worried about their health and about losing their jobs, but they are also worried about their families or about standard of living.


Public relationship to other nationalities I.

In December CVVM SOÚ AV ČR survey public attitude to some selected nationalities living in the Czech Republic was investigated. Czechs have best relationships with people of the Czech nationality and then with people of the Slovakian nationality. Czechs also find Poles (73,4 %) and Germans (59 %) sympathetic. Jews and Vietnameses are worse evaluated when most respondents chose for their evaluation centre of the spectrum (answer :neither sympathetic, nor nonsympathetic).


Popularity of Party Representatives

Popularity of Party Representatives

In December CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated, whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were shown a list with 26 names of top politicians represented in Chamber of Deputies.

Among party representatives Vlasta Parkanová (58 %) was found the most trustworthy. Chief magistrate Pavel Bém found himself on the second position trusted by 50 % of trustees.


Social Policy In View Of Public

Government expenditure on social policy in general and in partial areas is evaluated as rather low than high. The exception is unemployment benefit, where number of those who consider government expenditure as low (26 %) is little bit lower than number of those who suppose it to be high (29 %) or who find it adequate (33 %). According to 42 % of respondents the government takes care of social situation in appropriate way while 45 % of respondents find the Government's focus on social situation of citizens too low and 7 % of respondents suppose it to be exaggerated.


Czechs and Christmas

In December survey there were included some questions focused on respondents´ relationship to Christmas. Survey showed us that three querters of Czechs are looking forward to Christmas, opposite feeling is shared by every tenth Czech citizen. Almost all respondents give presents to their close family or friends, only 3 % of people do not give presents for anybody. 94 % of respondents suppose Christmas to be family feast, 85 % of addressed citizens keep some customs and traditions.


Figures of Gift-Bearers in the Light of Public Opinion

Infant Jesus is by far the most popular figure related to distribution of presents within the Czech society. Traditional Czech "gift-bearers", i.e. Infant Jesus or St. Nicholas with the Angel and the Devil prevail vastly in popularity over imported figures of Grandpa Frost and Santa Claus.


Party Preferences and Voting Model in December 2006

In December survey CVVM investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information : Party preference and a model of voting behaviour.

Party preferences give us information about public sympathy with political Parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not knot who to vote for.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In CVVM survey which was made within project Our society 2006 in December 2006 we asked our respondents a question whether they trust to constitutional institutions. Question about public confidence in constitutional institutions is regular part of CVVM surveys which help us to monitor public confidence during time. In the long term president of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution.


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