Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

Citizen’s trust to all monitored constitutional institutions has not changed since last month. President of our country has been the most trustworthy Czech constitutional institution for over a year. In May 2006 44% of respondents supposed government to be trustworthy. The lowest number of trustees was monitored when considering both Chambers of Czech Parliament. Satisfaction with current political situation in this country has been stable for several months.


Public opinion of living together with Romany population and their chances at society

In April survey CVVM also focused on public attitude and public relationships between czech population and Romany minority. Survey showed us, that approximately three sixths of czech citizens (69 %) suppose living together (Romany and non-Romyny population) to be problematic. If we compare these data with previous surveys we can see, that since 1997 public attitude to relationships between Romany and non – Romany population has got better.


Citizens‘ satisfaction with living conditions close to their home

Approximately three fifths of respondents (61%) expressed their satisfaction with living conditions close to their home, almost a third of them stated that they are nor satisfied nor dissatisfied with it. Less than a tenth of czech population are dissatisfied with living conditions close to their home. People are mostly satisfied with gas, elektricity and water instalation and canalization. About three quarters of Czech citizens are satisfied with domestic waste disposal and with current level of shops and services.


Evaluation of the european integration

In April survey realized by CVVM respondents were asked to evaluate exercise of selected values in the EU and usefulness (or harmfulness) of european integration in areas of country defence, ekology, culture, economy and politics.

Exercise of democracy and cooperation was best evaluated by respondents. On contrary disagreement with assesment of justice and equality in EU prevailed.

As a part of April survey there was evaluation of influence of the european integration on country defence, culture, ekonomy and politics.


Czech citizens about standart of living and social conditions

7 % of citizens indicated their household to be "rather rich", whilst 30 % consider it to be "rather" (24 %) or "very" (6 %) poor. Almost two thirds of respondents (62 %) regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 60 % of respondents, on the other hand 36 % said they have no problems with budget of the household. People see accessibility of education and health care mostly positively, but all other monitored areas of social conditions are evaluated largely critically.


Czech citizens and the EU

As a part of April survey made by CVVM there were questions about relationship of Czech citizens to the European Union. Respondents had to talk about impact of EU membership of Czech Republic on some segments of economical and ocial system of Czech Republic and their standard of living.The EU influence on supply of goods and services on czech market is best evaluated by 60% of addressed cititizens. On contrary impact on agriculture is supposed to be he worst by two thirds of respondents.


EU membership of the Czech Republic in eyes of Czech public

Satisfaction with EU membership of our country was expressed by more than a third of czech citizens (36%), on contrary approximately a fifth of Czechs feel dissatisfied with it. The highest number of respondents (40%) are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with EU membership of our country. When talking about our membership in EU people appreciate chance to travel to other EU states without any problems.


Image of political Parties

As a part of April survey realized by CVVM there was a question how citizens perceive 4 long-lasting strong political Parties and Greens. We chose some criterions that represented both concrete programme aspects and general characteristics of their activity at political scene.

When evaluating political Parties respondents mostly agreed with statement „the Party is only interested in gaining the power“ when talking about parliamentary parties - it was positively answered by 60 – 72 % of respondents and and statement that Greens are only interested in gaining power – it was agreed by 46% respondents.


Popularity of Top Politicians

Popularity of Top Politicians

In April survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were a shown a list of names of 25 represantatives of Parties presented in Chamber of Deputies . There were also included names of electoral candidates – Party leaders (Parties that appear at least in research of Party preferences )

Among Party representatives Bohuslav Sobotka enjoys the highest trust expressed by 43 % of czech citizens.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In April 2006 we noticed increase of confidence in all monitored constitutional institutions.

President of Czech Republic is still the most trusted constitutional institution who enjoys trust expressed by three quarters of czech citizens (73%). Czech government has relatively high number of trustees (44%). As usual both Chambers of Parliament are supposed to be the least trustworthy. 30% of czech citizens trust to Chamber of Deputies and Senate is considered as trustworthy institution by 26% of respondents.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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