Citizens of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic about bird flu threat

As a part of November survey there were few questions related to topical problems of bird flu. Due to international cooperation with CEORG foundation we have got comparative results from Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. The citizens of Slovakia are the most worried about the bird flu. A bird flu is considered to be a serious threat by 20 % of Poles and Hungarian, but almost by two fifth of Czech and Slovak citizens.


Public opinion on social groups

In November survey CVVM asked respondents about their sympathies for different groups of people (defined by profession or social status). Scientists achieved the most public sympathies (average evaluation =1,89; using 7-point scale), followed by doctors (2,24), farmers(2,40), miners(2,45), poor people(2,75), popular artists (3,13), diggers (3,18), clerks (3,44), entrepreneurs (3,59), managers (3,72) and policemen (3,82).


Evaluation of governmental activism and Prime Minister

In November 2005 respondents had to evaluate government actions and mark recent activity of prime minister.

Most of respondents judged critically government actions ( 11 % definitely negatively, 41 % , rather negatively). On contrary almost a third of respondents assessed it positively (3 % definitely positively,34 % rather positively).

Prime minister gained average evaluation. Almost a tenth of respondents gave mark 1 to prime minister.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

Confidence in constitutional institutions has not almost changed since last month. In November 2005 Czech 69 % of Czech citizens trusted to the president of the country. 42% of respondents trust in government. Both Chambers of Parliament were considered to be least trustworthy.

24% of Czech citizens trust in Chamber of Deputies and 23% people confide in Senate. 43 % respondents find their Regional council trustworthy and 61 % of respondents trust in their Local councils.


Party Preferences in November 2005

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Czechs are more tolerant toward registred partnerships than Poles, Hungarians and Slovaks

In october survey made by CVVM there were some questions about public attitudes to homosexuals and lesbians and CVVM could compare

results of public opinion surveys in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. In comparism to these countries Czech citizens mostly

agree with right of homosexuals to enter into a legal partnership (62%) or marriage (42%). Most of Czech people(43%) stated that

they know personally a homosexual or lesbian, on contrary only 14% Poles, 18% Hungarians and 30% Slovaks know a homosexual person personally.


Public attitude towards the death penalty

Public support for the death penalty was expressed by 57 % of Czech citizens, on contrary 3 out of 10 people are against the death penalty (30 %). Existence of capital punishment is relatively highly supported by men, people without religious faith and followers of Communist party of Czech and Moravia (KSČM) or Czech social democratic party (ČSSD). On the other side existence of the death penalty is less supported by young people (under 30 years), graduates, Roman Catholics and followers of Christian democratic union (KDU-ČSL).


Citizens about policy and justice

In October survey CVVM questioned the respondents, how satisfied they are with the way the police look after the order and safety of citizens in their neighbourhood, 55 % of respondents are satisfied and 40 % dissatisfied. Simultaneously, 41 % of them are satisfied with the way the police look after the order and safety of citizens in Czech Republic and 55 % dissatisfied. Respondents were also asked to rate judicial verdicts.


Aspects of job satisfaction

In October survey CVVM questioned economically active respondents, how satisfied they are with some aspects of job.People are most satisfied with their interesting job,time spent in work,working in shifts when more than three quarters of economically active respondents are satisfied with these aspects of job.Approximately three quarters of working people are also satisfied with using their professional skills at workplace and with relations in the workplace.


Parties and voters

Those polled who preferred or sympathised with a particular political party were asked a repeated question examining the intensity of the relation with this political party.

Only 11% of voters classified themselves as staunch party supporters. Almost every third voter (currently 27%) consistently prefers a particular political party just because it annoys them the least (i.e. there is no party that the voter would ?like?).


Unemployment in eyes of public

Almost a half of Czech citizens think that most of unemployed people can not get suitable job.Almost a quarter of czech citizens share an opinion that unemployed people do not want to work and a fifth of responents think that unemployed people can not get any job.Czech people regard current situation of unemployment as very high.6 out of 10 respondents stated that they would look for concrete job in case they were unemployed, on contrary almost 4 out of 10 said they would look for any job.


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Panel 3

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