Public opinions about determination of priorities in population politics

In November survey CVVM interrogated the citizens about their opinions on introduction or application of provision, which could be called for popularisation of population. Major part of respondents voted for almost all of these provisions (definitely yes, probably yes).



Opinions of Citizens about post of an Office of a General Ombudsman

In a research realized in December 2004 CVVM focused on attitude of czech public to Office of a General Ombudsman. Almost 7 out of 10 respondents answered a question correctly, that the Office of a general Ombudsman is represented by Otakar Motejl. Almost a quarter of respondents admitted to not to remember, who holds Office of an Ombudsman,

6% of responents chose wrong answer.The confidence in Office of General Ombudsman was expressed by almost a half of czech citizens.


Spending of free-time

In December CVVM was interested in a part of its survey, how people spend their free-time. Every respondent could say three ways, how he or she spends free-time. So total number of all answers was 300%. Respondents mostly watch TV in their free-time. Various sport activities were placed on a second of top three. Reading of books was placed on a third place.

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Public opinions of health care system in Czech Repulic, Slowakia, Poland And in Hungary

More than a third czech citizens are satisfied with the health care system of their country, same part of respondents stated they are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied.

More than a quarter of czech citizens expressed their dissatisfaction with health care system in Czech Republic. 6 % of respondents consider it to be very dissatisfactory. A part of this survey run under international company CEORG, so there are results of similar surveys from Poland, Slowakia and Hungary.


Public value orientations

Traditionally, great importance is atributed to family values, more than three quarters placed family values on a first place.It is followed by another values , which are friends and work, than behind these values there is free-time and particularly low position of importance has politics and religion. On a list of basic values according to its importance, the Truth and freedom for everybody occupy the highest positions.


Public opinion of social cohesion

The term – social cohesion is not well known in public. Only 27 % stated they know about it, 55% answered, they have never heard about it, 18% were not sure about it.Almost three quarters of citizens(74%) think it is worth of thinking about it ,two fifths of respondents regard social cohesion as useful.The survey proved, that citizens critically evaluate relationships among people in czech society.


Prestige of occupation

Survey proved that almost priviliged occupation is medical profession, which is supposed to have the highest prestige. 41% of respondents regard doctor proffesion as a top occupation out of 26 monitored occcupations, when avarage evaluation of a doctor profession was higher than a evaluation of a scientist or a university professor, these professions were placed on second a third place. People suppose high prestige occupations to be these : a school teacher,a computer programmer,a judge and a designer.


Public opinion of topical issue of czech school system

Public opinion on equality of approach to education are contradictory Almost two thirds of respondents expressed their opinion that quality education for children could be ensured only by rich parents, but a same part of respondents agreed with that intensity of education depends on a person who has will and abilities to study. Similar contradictory opinions occured in case of two other statements that were judged by respondents.


Public opinion on accessibility and funding of Academic education

In November survey the respndents were interrogated whether they agree or disagree with some statements about czech university system. Major part of respondents (93%) agreed that quality university education is an investment that serves to a person or to all society well. There were some contradictory opinions on university tuition. Almost two thirds of people think that university tuition ( with chance to gain loan for studies) would help to more people who want to study at university.


Public opinions on priorities and aims of Czech Republic

Citizens(90%) said their „ yes“ for keeping schoolsystem to be free of charge.

89% of respondents think, there should exist life-imprisonment for people who commit serious crimes repeatedly. 81% of citizens would welcome full employment ensured by the state. One of supported aims is limiting of immigration from problematic states (76% of respondents).64% of czech citizens wish the taxes for rich people were higher.


Evaluation of current development in some monitored areas in Czech Republic

Czech citizens answered following question in December 2004. „Do you think that situation of some monitored areas (in Czech Republic) became better, worsened or remained unchanged.“According to respondents the situation in most of monitored areas remained almost unchanged.Czech citizens positively evaluate development in area of supply of goods and service, when 58 % of respondents judge it positively.


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