Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In March 2005, Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, who enjoyed confidence of 70 % of czech citizens. Trust in Senate was expressed by 22% of czech citizens, trust in Chamber of Deputies was expressed by 20% of czech citizens. Czech government’s position worsened a bit. Contemporary more than

a quarter of czech citizens trust to czech goverment. In March 2005 46% of czech citizens find regional councils trustworthy, 60 % of czech citizens find trustworthy local councils.


Party preferences in March 2005

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Satisfaction with current state of monitored areas

In February we interrogated our respondents about whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with current state of monitored areas in Czech Republic. The prevalence of dissatisfaction is also quite noticeable in the area of supply of goods and sevices, culture, attitude of Czech Republic to foreign states and natural environment.

Of all the monitored areas, citizens took the most negative view of the current state of corruption, unemployment,economic criminality.


Evaluation of economic situation in Czech Republic in context from other monitored countries

61% of czech citizens indicate current economic situation of Czech Republic positively.

(when 3 % indicate it as very good, and 58 % probably good). On contrary 37 % judge it critically,when 34 % of these indicate it as probably bad, and 3 % very bad. On a ladder (top ten according to public opinion on economic situation) with other monitored states, Czech Republic share third and fourth place together with Hungary, when the first and second position is occupied by Germany and Austria.


Confrontation of current political conditions to political conditions before november 1989

The most of repondents (38%) expressed their opinion, that the current political conditions are almost same as political conditions before a year 1989. Approximatelly a third of respondents think that curent political conditions are better than political conditions before a year 1989.On contrary a fifth of respondents believe that political conditions before a year 1989 were better than those in present.


What are czech citizens worried about and their future prediction?

Almost three quarters of citizens have some kinds of worries. Czech citizens are mostly worried about losing their job. More than a third out of those who have some kinds of worries are worried about their job.A quarter of respondents are worried about their health and they are afraid of being ill. Major part of respondents fear of losing their standart of living, shortage of money and poverty.


Evaluation of Relations with Neighbouring States

As usual relations of Czech Republic with Slovakia were best evaluated (92% good relations), relations with Poland (91%). A little less of respondents (83%) supposed relations of Czech Republic with Hungary to be good or probably good. People judge relations of Czech Republic with Germany to be good (80%), to be bad (14%), it was similar when judging relations of Czech Republic with Austria (76% good), (17% bad).


Public relationship to other nations and nationalities

In February survey CVVM was interested in relationships of public to other nations and nationalities.In survey there were probed relationships of Czech to nationalities living in this country and attitudes of czech citizens to nationalities in general. Respondents marked their relationship to separeted nations and nationalities by mark 1 – 7, very sympathetic nation. 7- very non-sympathetic. From the nationalities living in this country, we have the best relations with citizens of the Czech nationality and Slovaks.


Trust in monitored international institutions and attitudes to foreign politics and to position of the USA in the world

Trust in all monitored international institutions outbalances distrust in them.

The most trusted position among all monitored international institutions enjoys OSN. Three fifths of respondents (61%) confide in OSN, while a quarter of respondents (26%) expressed their distrust

in it. More than a half of repondents (56%) trust in European Union, on the other hand 35% distrust in it.

NATO has relatively less of trustees (48%), when two fifths of respondents do not trust in NATO.


Benes Decrees and czech public

In February survey CVVM focused in one of its topics on Benes Decrees.The first question had to represent czech public opinions about validity of Benes Decrees in future. 64% of respondents think that the Benes Decrees should continue to be in force, 7 % stood up for their cancellation, 29% did not answered this question.

Expulsion of Sudet-German is considered to have been just by almost two thirds of respondents (54%), on the other hand a total of 27 % think it unjust.


Public opinion about immigration

Only 3 % of citizens addressed in February survey, think that everybody should have the possibility to come to the Czech Republic and live there . Almost three quarters share opposite opinion.Foreigners living in the Czech epublic should adapt to our living habits as much as possible, which is opinion of almost 60 % of respondents.Foreigners should adopt to local living habits partially, that is opinion of a third of respondents.


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