Public opinion on accessibility and funding of Academic education
In November survey the respndents were interrogated whether they agree or disagree with some statements about czech university system. Major part of respondents (93%) agreed that quality university education is an investment that serves to a person or to all society well. There were some contradictory opinions on university tuition. Almost two thirds of people think that university tuition ( with chance to gain loan for studies) would help to more people who want to study at university.
Public opinions on priorities and aims of Czech Republic
Citizens(90%) said their „ yes“ for keeping schoolsystem to be free of charge.
89% of respondents think, there should exist life-imprisonment for people who commit serious crimes repeatedly. 81% of citizens would welcome full employment ensured by the state. One of supported aims is limiting of immigration from problematic states (76% of respondents).64% of czech citizens wish the taxes for rich people were higher.
Evaluation of current development in some monitored areas in Czech Republic
Czech citizens answered following question in December 2004. „Do you think that situation of some monitored areas (in Czech Republic) became better, worsened or remained unchanged.“According to respondents the situation in most of monitored areas remained almost unchanged.Czech citizens positively evaluate development in area of supply of goods and service, when 58 % of respondents judge it positively.
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation
In December 2004 Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, when three quarters of respondents expressed their confidence in him. Local councils were found trustworthy by more than a half of the interviewees (60%) and approximately two fifths of the polled citizens trusted in their regional council. The government’s position worsened again, 28% of respondents expressed their trust in goverment.
Party prefences in December 2004
All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).
The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.
Satisfaction with job and evaluation of working relations
Major part of czech working people is satisfied with their jobs, when 81 % of economically active people chose that answer.Only a fifth of working people is dissatisfied with the job. People with good standart of living, university graduates , (93% of them are satisfied with their jobs) and earners are satisfied with their jobs.November survey was also focused on evaluation of working relations.
Public opinion on unemployment
As a part of November survey there were some questions about unemployment.
Three quarters of respondents think, that current level of unemployment is too high. Only a fifth of respondents suppose current level of unemployment to be adequate and only 1 % of respondents regard it as too low. Almost a half of respondents fear of rise of unemployment a third of them think it will remain the same.
Fear of terorism and opinions on strenghtening of power of intelligence services
45% of citizens fear of possible teroristic attack on Czech Republic. Women (50%) are afraid of teroristic attack more than men (38%). More than three fifths of respondents expressed their opinion that intelligence services competencies should be strenghten, when almost a quarter of respondents is against it. People , who do not definitely trust in BIS and people who do not fear of teroristic attack, are often against strenghtening of power of secret service.
World war two and anti-fascist resistance from the perspective of public
Three quarters of respondents suppose that World war two and key events of the war should be still remembered, 15 % of people share opposite opinion. More than two fifths of people expressed their opinion that key events of the war are seldom remembered, same part of people think that these events are remembered well and 6 % of respondents think that the events are remembered too often. Czech anti-fascist resistance in West or in East Europe is evaluated to be important or very important, czech anti-fascist resistance in West Europe is supposed to be important or very important by 71 % of respondents, czech anti-fascist resistance in East Europe is supposed to be important or very important by 70% of people and 68 % of respondents evaluate home anti-fascist resistance.
Public opinion on performance of president Vaclav Klaus
As a result of November survey czech citizens mostly evaluate present performance of president Vaclav Klaus positively .The best evaluated president activities are :how president cares of dignity and respect of his office (89%), how president represents Czech Republic in foreign countries (86%), how presidents fulfills his constitutional function (84%). 72 % of respondents evaluate authority of president Vaclav Klaus, 55 % of interviewees judge positively president‘s influence on internal politics‘ life.
Ratings of Selected Politicians in an International Context
Trust prevails over mistrust in the case of V. Klaus, T. Blair, J. Chirac, M. Dzurinda, J. Kerry and A. Kwasniewski. For other personalities in international politics included in the survey, there is prevailing mistrust among the Czech public, most significant being for Fidel Castro, Jasir Arafat, Alexander Lukashenko and also – though on a smaller scale – for the Presidents of the USA and Russia George Bush and Vladimir Putin.
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