Seeking a Job when Unemployed

In case of losing the job, most people would attempt to find a specific job corresponding to their own ideas. In the census this was expressed by less than two thirds of respondents (65%). Contrary to this, one third of respondents (33%) stated that if they were in this situation they would also accept any job. Regarding the conditions which people themselves set when looking for a job, the relatively smallest obstacles to accept a job were the need for induction or re-training or, if need be, possible overtime work and increased pace of work .


Unemployment as Viewed by the General Public

In the May census organised by the Centre for Public Opinion Research within the project Our Society 2004 we investigated, apart from other issues, also the issue of unemployment. More than three quarters of people consider the current level of unemployment in the CR to be too high, less than a fifth of the respondents think that it is adequate, and only 2% of the respondents consider it to be too low.


On the foreign policy and the role of the USA in the world

Three quarters of the Czech population (76%) hold the opinion that in terms of foreign policy the USA accentuates its own power and economic interests; almost two thirds (64%) believe that the USA does not care about what the world community thinks, and two fifths (42%) are of the opinion that the current foreign policy of the USA poses a threat for the world today. The Czech society is also deeply ambivalent about whether the foreign policy of the United States strives for stability and a peaceful world – 47% of citizens think so, while 44% are persuaded to the contrary.


Confidence in top politicians

In May survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated whether the respondents confide in selected constitutional bodies. This time the submitted list included the names of 21 politicians (all members of the government, president, ombudsman, chairmen of Senate and Chamber of Deputies).

Now it is president Václav Klaus, who is viewed as the most trustworthy person among our top politicians. He enjoys confidence of seven out of ten respondents.


Confidence in constitutional institutions

For several months already Czech citizens have been expressing the highest level of confidence in the president of our country. Czech government now enjoys the confidence of more than a third of the citizens and the Chamber of Deputies is trusted by more than a quarter of the respondents. According to them the Senate is currently the least trustworthy institution, trusted by only 23 % of the inhabitants.


Ideas about the Best Age for Starting a Family

Almost 60 % of respondents think that the ideal age for a father at the birth of his first child should range from 25 to 29 years of age. A third of the people approached gave the age over 29 and less than 9 % the age under 25. For judging the ideal age of a mother there is a prevailing opinion (51 % of respondents) that a woman should give birth to her first child before 24 years of age. 44 % of respondents stated the age range between 25 and 29 and only less than 5 % consider the age of 30 or more to be the best for the birth of the first child.


Ratings of International Institutions and Selected Politicians

In the May survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre implemented within the project “Our Society 2004”, we asked respondents if they trusted selected international institutions.

From the institutions offered, the United Nations and the European Union were the most trustworthy (both trusted by 64 % of citizens). The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) registered the lowest share of trusting respondents, however more than a half of citizens do not know this institution, or they cannot give their opinions on it.


Economic Impact of the Czech Republic’s Accession to the EU I.

The May census of the CPOR was performed about three weeks after the Czech Republic joined the European Union. In the census we were interested in what people understand about the impact. As far as the standard of living is concerned, less than a half of Czechs (45%) do not expect any change, almost a third of respondents (32%) are however concerned with is decline. On the other hand, approximately one seventh (14%) of Czech citizens are optimistic about an increase in their standard of living in connection with the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU.


Economic Impact of the Czech Republic’s Accession to the EU II

Positive expectations in connection with the Czech Republic’s accession to the EU prevail only for the category of the available range of goods and services in our market when three fifths (61%) expect a positive impact, one quarter (26%) do not expect either negative or positive impact and only 7% suspect a decline. A relatively positive expectation of the impact was recorded also for science and research, where respondents expect the positive impact (38%) clearly more often than the negative one (8%) and also the neutral one (29%).


Voter’s decision-making process in the first European election

When choosing whom to vote for in the European election, the electorate is going to attach more importance to opinions on problems in the Czech Republic than to the party or personality of candidates.

The vast majority of those who are going to vote – 8 out of 10 – are persuaded that the party of their choice will get into the European Parliament. 10% of those polled were of the opinion that the party of their choice will not sit in the European Parliament, and the same percentage did not know.


Party preferences in May 2004

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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