Confidence in selected public institutions

In June 2003 the president enjoyed confidence of 63 % of citizens older than 15 years, the government was trusted by

5 %, Chamber of Deputies by 30 %, Senate by 26 %, their regional council by 41 % and their local council by 65 % of citizens. More than a half of Czech citizens (57 %) trusts the Supreme inspection authority and confidence prevails also in the cases of Public guardian of rights (trusted by 45 %, distrusted by 28 %) and Constitutional court (trusted by 47 %, distrusted by 34 %).


Satisfaction with the political situation

In late June, 20% of those polled were satisfied with the political situation, 32% were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and 45% of respondents were dissatisfied. People with good living standards and young people under 30 years of age more frequently belonged to the group of the satisfied. As regards political orientation, the level of satisfaction is higher among sympathisers of the ODS, CSSD and the KDU-CSL.


Party preferences in late June

Compared to the results obtained a month ago, the preferences of the ODS fell slightly during June, in spite of which the party remains in the lead, keeping a comfortable margin. As regards the KSCM, the party suffered a considerable drop in preferences. None of the political parties recorded a major increase in popularity and there are now more people who would not participate in an election and could not choose a political party.


Job Satisfaction

The question “How, in general, are you satisfied with your job?”, was answered as follows: 66% of respondents answered that they were happy with their jobs, 6% were dissatisfied and 28% were only partly satisfied. The most important factors contributing to job satisfaction are the length of commuting time and the level of interesting aspects of the job (80% of satisfied employees). On the other end of the scale, there were financial factors, i.


Differences in Work Efficiency

In the May census we surveyed if Czech employees provide a higher or lower efficiency compared to those coming from the West and East. 24% of respondents presume that there are differences in working efficiency between Czech and Western staff, 30% think that the efficiency will not be different and 46% of respondents were unable to answer the question. Two thirds of those who presume that the efficiency will differ also think that the efficiency of Western staff will be higher.


Migration in the CZ

Three fifths of Czechs over 15 years of age (61 %) have moved house at least once in the course of their lives, with 25 % moving only once, 19 % twice, 11 % three times and 6 % respondents said that during their lives they had moved more than three times. In the population over 19 years of age, two thirds (66 %) of inhabitants have experienced moving at least once. The ratio of people, who have never moved during their lifetime, is significantly higher in villages than in towns.


Attitudes of the Czech Public towards Employing Foreigners

The research showed that the attitude of the Czech public towards employing foreigners is not clear cut in this country: 45 % of respondents think it is correct, a similar number - 44 % have an opposite opinion. Most respondents believe that a cheap foreign labour force represents a threat to employing Czech citizens (82 %) and that the employing of foreigners in areas with high unemployment should be cut down (81 %).


Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic

Almost three quarters of respondents agree on the fact that foreigners should have the possibility of gaining long-term residence in the Czech Republic, but only under certain conditions. The opinion that foreigners should not be given the possibility to stay here on a long-term basis was expressed by 17 % of respondents and on the other hand residence without restrictions would be enabled by 6 % of respondents.


Satisfaction with Living in One’s Neighbourhood

Within the May survey Public Opinion Research Centre was asking questions about satisfaction with life in places, where people lived. The question “Are you satisfied overall with living in your neighbourhood?” was answered by 69 % of respondents saying they were satisfied with living in their neighbourhood, 6% expressed dissatisfaction and 25 % were undecided. Furthermore, respondents were asked if they considered moving from their neighbourhood.


Where Would You Most Like to Live?

The survey showed that 43 % of respondents would prefer an urban area as the place of their permanent residence, while the countryside would be chosen by 41 %. Two percent voiced other opinions and 14 % could not decide. As to places of urban character, a similar number of respondents chose cities with a population over 100 thousand (a total of 15 %) and towns of medium size with 20 thousand to 100 thousand inhabitants (16 %).


Citizens on the Standard of Living and Family Finance

Most of economically active respondents who are concerned with this problem stated that they did not have problems balancing both (59%). About a fifth handles their job tasks very well - but at the expense of their family (21%). Two percent experience the opposite – they cut work short for the benefit of their family. Fifteen percent manage to handle just half of family and work responsibilities. Three percent of respondents balance work and family with major difficulties.


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Panel 3

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