Confidence in constitutional institutions

In April survey we were again asking about the level of inhabitants’ confidence in individual constitutional institutions. The results show that the president is trusted by 64%, government by 40%, Chamber of Deputies by 32% and Senate by 24% of the respondents. Regional councils are regarded as trustworthy by 40% and local councils by 63% of the respondents.


Party preferences in April

All respondents having the right to vote were traditionally asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table.

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Attitudes of Citizens to War in Iraq

The actual attack on Iraq was supported by 24 % of Czech citizens in the first half of April, while 70 % did not agree with it. However, simultaneously the attack on Iraq without the mandate of the Security Council of the UN was labelled as acceptable only by 16 % of respondents, whereas 77 % expressed an opposite standpoint. Supporters of military action against Iraq most frequently named the reason for their opinion as the necessity to remove Saddam’s regime (29 %), the necessity of fighting terrorism (23 %), the necessity of securing international safety (14 %), inevitability and justification of a military solution of the problems with Iraq (9 %) or the necessity of eliminating Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (7 %).


Trust in social institutions and in people around us

People place the greatest trust in persons they know (88% of respondents trust most of them). More than a half of respondents (54%) are of the opinion that they can believe the majority of people in our country, whereas roughly two fifths are persuaded to the contrary. Those surveyed generally consider our media (62%) and the army (55%) to be trustworthy. A large proportion of respondents also trust the police (53%), as opposed to 43% who mistrust it.


Attitudes of Public to Controversial Topics of Partner Co-habitation

Premarital sexual activities are judged by the Czech public in a very tolerant way, almost 50 % of respondents think that such relations are usually good and another 33 % consider them as always being good. A total of 11 % of respondents were against “sex before marriage” (regarded as mostly or always bad).

On the other hand, the attitude towards adultery in marriage is not as tolerant, 34 % see it as always bad and 48 % of respondents as mostly bad.


People on their Standard of Living

69% of inhabitants assessed the standard of living of their household as being good, whilst 29% assesses it as being bad. Materialistic life conditions of their households are considered to be good by 35% of respondents, neither good nor bad by 45%, and bad by 19%. The perception of the standard of living and materialistic living conditions is improving with increasing income and increasing level of education of the respondent.


How Content are We with Our Personal Lives? How Do We See Our Own Prospects, Prospects of the Population of the CZ and Mankind in General?

Today, more than a half of respondents (56 %) express satisfaction with their personal life, 29 % are "neither satisfied nor dissatisfied" and with 14 % dissatisfaction dominates. In the last five years these figures have changed only minimally. The survey also focused on prevalence of optimism and scepticism from the point of view of the respondents’ own future, and future of those close to them, the future of the population of the CZ and mankind as such.


Opinions on Punishment

In its regular March survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre concentrated among other things on the opinions of citizens regarding the length of sentences for some selected criminal acts, moreover on views about at which degree sentences imposed by courts are adequate and last but not least the question of if capital punishment should exist or not. We consider sentences imposed by court to be more likely inadequate, particularly in the case of violent criminal activities.


Crime and Success Rate of Police in the Eyes of the Czech Public

What is the picture of crime structure in the eyes of the Czech public? Does it correspond to reality, or is it distorted by the influence of media news or personal experience? And what is the notion of the success rate of the police when investigating some criminal acts? Is it rather underestimated or on the contrary overestimated by the public? These are some of the issues dealt with by the March survey, carried out by Public Opinion Research Centre.


Citizens and Safety

Currently, 38% of respondents are satisfied and 21 % dissatisfied with the way the police look after the order and safety of citizens in their neighbourhood. Another 38% are “neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied” with the activities of the police. Moreover, the research concentrated on how safe citizens felt in their neighbourhoods and inside their homes. The performed survey has shown that the feeling of safety in one’s own home has changed only relatively little in the course of the last five years: most citizens feel safe during the day, even after dark; however the feeling grows weaker after dusk.


Political parties and selected institutions activities evaluations

The best results – with an average mark lower than 3 – were achieved by media and the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies. The worst marks of all the monitored institutions were scored by the Senate, KSČM and US – DEU (average marks above the 3.5 level in all these cases). In comparison to last year’s survey there has been a relatively significant improvement in the trustworthiness level of media, Chamber of Deputies chairman, ODS and KSČM.


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