Confidence in constitutional institutions

The president is trusted by 54%, government by 46%, Chamber of Deputies by 30%, Senate by 25% and regional councils by 28% of the respondents. The level of confidence in Zeman’s government has reached its historical maximum.


Satisfaction with the political situation

31% of those surveyed are satisfied with the political situation in the Czech Republic, whereas 63% are not.


Political parties and their supporters

Only 13% of respondents classify themselves as staunch party supporters. On the other hand, nearly a third of those polled (30%) would vote a certain party just because it annoys them the least. The party orientation and a suitable programme are the strongest motivation to vote for a certain party. The family background and participation in party life play the least important role.


Opinions on the party system and the opposition agreement

Over two thirds of respondents take a critical view of how parties behave, whereas about a quarter of those polled are at least partly satisfied. During the last three years, there has only been a minor oscillation in opinions on how parties behave. The US-DEU, KSCM and KDU-CSL are generally clearly seen as opposition parties, while classifying the ODS as such is problematic. In respect of activities in the Chamber of Deputies, respondents give the best assessment to the CSSD and the worst to the KSCM.


The state of democracy in the Czech Republic

What do respondents think about the functioning of our political system and how do they evaluate the current political system in comparison with the pre-1989 one? The people polled used an evaluating scale from 1 (the system is functioning very poorly) to 10 (the system is functioning very well) to evaluate individual political systems. The pre-November 1989 political system scored an average rating of 4.


Looking back at the Previous Year

Supporters of ČSSD (Czech Social Democratic Party) perceive the previous period more favourably, in general. Followers of other political parties have more or less critical viewpoints, with the exception of certain areas. Supporters of ODS (Civic Democratic Party), regardless of their more critically tuned stands, acknowledged progress in the fields of ecology, foreign policy and the standard of living.


Party preferences in late January 2002

No major sociodemographic differences were reported among CSSD supporters (23%). The ODS (18.5%) is attractive primarily for respondents with good living standards and voters with university or full secondary education. The party also occupies a strong position among businessmen and tradesmen, white-collar employees, intellectual workers and among Prague inhabitants. The KSCM (13.5%) is traditionally appealing to pensioners, voters with poor living standards and respondents with primary education.


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