Image of Political Parties - July 2020

In July 2020 survey Public Opinion Research Centre focused on public's views concerning main Czech political parties and movements.


Willingness to Take Up Employment - July 2020

In July survey CVVM investigated whether the respondents in case of their unemployment would accept a job requiring certain concessions, such as overtime work, nightwork, work on weekends or higher work rate.


Czech Public on Unemployment - July 2020

In July survey CVVM investigated opinions of Czech citizens related to the level and the future trend in unemployment in the Czech Republic as well as to the situation on labour-market in the place of their living.


Trust in European and international institutions – July 2020

In July 2020 Public Opinion Research Centre included a block of questions connected to confidence in European Union and international institutions. Questions focused mainly on trust in European Union in general and its concrete authorities. In connection to international institutions respondents evaluated their trust in United Nations and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.


Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - July 2020

According to the July 2020 survey of CVVM, 26% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 41% view it as neither good nor bad, and 32% consider it to be bad.

55% of Czechs evaluate the living standard of their household as good, 11% consider it to be bad, and 34% characterize it as neither good, nor bad.


Evaluation of Activity of Ministries - July 2020

In July 2020 survey we enquired a question in which respondents on a scale corresponding to school grades evaluated activity of individual ministries, the Government Office and the Office of the President over the past twelve months.


The new coronavirus - interest, experience and concerns of the Czech public - July 2020

In its research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. In July, more than three quarters (77%) of Czech citizens over the age of 15 were interested in the situation regarding the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


Evaluation of reaction of state and its preparedness to COVID-19 epidemic - Our society - July 2020

66% of Czech citizens consider what the Czech state is doing against the spread of coronavirus to be appropriate, and 50% consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in July 2020

In July 2020 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.

43% of Czechs trust the president, 41% trust the government.

The Chamber of Deputies has the confidence of 32% and the Senate of 36% of the public.

18% of Czech citizens declare satisfaction with political situation, 43% are dissatisfied.


Likely voter model in July 2020

In a survey conducted by Public Opinion Research Centre in July 2020, we investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to the Chamber of Deputies. In the press release, there are two different types of information: the likely voter model and the party preferences.

The likely voter model indicates the anticipated result of hypothetical elections to the Chamber of Deputies in the time of conducting the survey.

The party preferences give us information about public sympathy for political parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not know who to vote for.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Czech Public on Global Environmental Problems - June 2020

In June within the regular research the Centre for Public Opinion Research focused on the environment. Representatives of the Czech population answered questions on particular environmental phenomena in the sense of their problematic character. As the most serious problems were stated the garbage cumulation (for 65 % “very serious" problem) and the drinking water deprivation (for 62 % "very serious" problem).


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