Likely voter model in June 2020
In a survey conducted by Public Opinion Research Centre in June 2020, we investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to the Chamber of Deputies. In the press release, there are two different types of information: the likely voter model and the party preferences.
The likely voter model indicates the anticipated result of hypothetical elections to the Chamber of Deputies in the time of conducting the survey.
The party preferences give us information about public sympathy for political parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not know who to vote for.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
Public concerns about health and evaluation of financial situation of households concerning the spread of coronavirus - Our society - special - June 2020
More than two thirds of respondents (68%) are concerned about the health of their loved ones (32% definitely), almost two fifths (39%) are concerned about their own health.
Due to coronavirus, the incomes of more than a third of households decreased (11% significantly), three-fifths have the same incomes. The increase in income was reported by 5% of households.
Evaluation of reaction of state and its preparedness to COVID-19 epidemic - Our society - special - June 2020
The majority of seven tenths of Czech citizens consider what the Czech state has done against the spread of coronavirus to be appropriate, and half consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.
The Czech public's assessment of the Czech Republic's preparedness for the spread of coronavirus is assessed in most respects mainly favorably, with the exception of the supply of medical devices.
Public to Adopt Health Protection Measures in Case of Another Possible Pandemic - Our society - special - June 2020
In the research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. We asked all respondent about the degree of agreement or disagrement with the adoption of certain health protection measures in case of another possible pandemic similar to the coronavirus.
Most respondents (86%) agreed that body temperature should be measured in public places such as hospitals or offices.
On the contrary, the least respondents (18%) agreed with the publication of names of infected people (79% disagree).
The new coronavirus - interest, experience and changes in the behavior of the Czech public - Our society - special - June 2020
In its research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. In June, more than three quarters (76%) of Czech citizens over the age of 18 were interested in the situation regarding the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Evaluation of reaction of state and its institutions to COVID-19 epidemic - Our society - special - May 2020
The majority of seven tenths of Czech citizens consider what the Czech state has done against the spread of coronavirus to be appropriate, and half consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.
The work of most institutions and groups in relation to the spread of coronavirus is assessed favorably, with criticism prevailing in relation to the EU and the WHO.
Public concerns about the spread of coronavirus - Our society - special - May 2020
More than three quarters of respondents are concerned about the health of their loved ones (37% definitely) and the deterioration of the economic situation in the Czech Republic (31% definitely).
A quarter of respondents are concerned about a supply disruption, less than a third about insufficient hospital capacity.
Less than half of the respondents are worried about their own health, people in senior age are more worried, and people with poorer health are significantly more concerned.
Satisfaction with various aspects of personal life - Our society - special - May 2020
Satisfaction with all the examined aspects of life significantly prevails in the population.
The three highest values of satisfaction on an eleven-point scale were chosen for most aspects by about half of the respondents. A lower share was found for future security (40%) and health (45%).
Only 5-11% of respondents were dissatisfied (points 1-4).
Satisfaction is conditioned by the achieved education, the material level of households and the state of health. The level of satisfaction is not related to gender and is not linearly dependent on age.
Concerns about the impact of coronavirus on the household economy are reflected in the level of satisfaction.
Public on Economic Impact of COVID-19 Epidemic - Our Society - Special - May 2020
In the survey, respondents answered several questions concerning economic impact of the epidemic and related anti-epidemic measures. In particular, the survey looked at how the incomes of households in which respondents live have changed since the beginning of the epidemic, how the crisis has affected their current economic activity and how long their household would be able to earn a living if the current situation continued.
The new coronavirus - interest, experience and changes in the behavior of the Czech public - Our society - special - May 2020
In its special research, the Public Opinion Research Center focused on the coronavirus crisis and citizens' experiences with it. Special research was carried out within the Our Society project, CVVM is responsible for the questions and design of the survey, data were collected by Median. In May, more than four-fifths (85%) of Czech citizens over the age of 18 were interested in the situation regarding the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
Public on Reasons for Resignation of Politicians from Their Posts - March 2020
In March, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined how citizens of the Czech Republic look at different situations that may be a reason for resignation of a public official or a politician from his post.
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