Taxation in View of Public Opinion – June/July 2023

According to summer 2023 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre 18% of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 29% say it is adequate and 43% think it is low.


Value Orientations - June/July 2023

Summer survey of Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the matter of values and their importance for Czech people.


Citizens on Constitutional Competencies of a President - June/July 2023

Summer 2023 survey made an inquiry into attitudes of citizens towards constitutional competencies of a president. Questions in the survey concerned the range of presidential competencies in general and also with regard to several particular competencies such as granting of amnesty or stopping a lawsuit, dismissing the Chamber of Deputies and refusing the law passed by the parliament.


Attitudes of Citizens to the Presidential Office – June/July 2023

Summer survey of CVVM asked questions regarding the attitudes towards the office of president of the Czech Republic. Questions focused on the mechanism of presidential election, president's relation to the government and government appointment, on the position of president in the foreign policy and on the problems president should pay attention in his or her office.


Public Opinion on Performance of President Petr Pavel - June/July 2023

In its regular survey in June and July 2023 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on questions concerning the Petr Pavel's presidency.


Evaluation of Activity of Ministries - June/July 2023

In June and July 2023 survey we enquired a question in which respondents on a scale corresponding to school grades evaluated activity of individual ministries, the Government Office and the Office of the President over the past twelve months.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Attitude of Czech Public to Accepting of Refugees from Ukraine – June/July 2023

In the survey, which was conducted between the end of May and the middle of the third decade of July 2023, the Centre for Public Opinion Research asked a set of questions about the attitudes of the Czech public towards accepting refugees from Ukraine. Specifically, the respondents expressed their attitudes towards the reception of Ukrainian refugees with regard to the possibility of their permanent settlement in the Czech Republic and their opinions on whether or not Ukrainian refugees are successfully integrated into our society. The survey also included a mapping of interest in current developments around this situation.


Citizens on the situation in Ukraine - June/July 2023

In a survey conducted during June and July 2023, the Center for Public Opinion Research asked a set of questions about the conflict in Ukraine. The research sought to find out whether people are interested in the development of the situation in Ukraine and whether they consider it to be a security threat to the Czech Republic, Europe and world peace, how citizens feel about the government's actions in support of Ukraine and how they assess possible measures by the international community.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation - June/July 2023

In the period from the end of May to the mid of the last third of July 2023 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this survey there was a question about their trust to the President, both Chambers of Parliament, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.


Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty - April/May 2023

In its spring survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre examined attitudes of Czech citizens towards the death penalty. 42% of respondents hold the view the death penalty should exist in the Czech Republic, 51% oppose it. Since 1992, when 76% supported the existence of the death penalty, this support decreased for 34 percentage points, while opposition to the death penalty (13% in 1992) nearly quadruppled, and for the first time prevailed over support of the death penalty.


Inflation And Real Income Of Households In View Of Public - April/May 2023

In the spring 2023 survey the Public Opinion Research Centre examined three questions related to inflation and real income of households.


Panel 1

Panel 3

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