Czech Public on So-Called Istanbul Convention – December 2018

In December survey (2018) the Public Opinion Research Centre included two questions related to the currently discussed topic of the so-called Instabul Convention. Specifically, we investigated whether the respondents knew what this Convention was concerned and whether, in their opinion, the Czech Parliament should had or had not have approved the Istanbul Convention.


Parties and Voters and Political Orientation - November 2018

November survey of CVVM examined general political orientation of citizens. Those polled who preferred a particular political party were asked a repeated question examining the intensity of the relation with this political party.


Citizens on Conflict in Syria – December 2018

In December survey (2018) the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on the conflict in Syria.

The survey examined how Czech public is interested in the story of Syria's conflict, what Czech citizens think of some possibilities for the Czech Republic to participate in the process of resolving the situation in Syria and how they perceive the impact of the conflict on Czech, European and global safety.


Citizens on Relations of the Czech Republic to Other Countries – December 2018

In December survey people have evaluated relations of the Czech Republic with some neighbouring or globally most important countries.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in December 2018

In December 2018 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.


Popularity of Party Representatives - December 2018

In December 2018 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were given a list with 18 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in the Chamber of Deputies.


Likely voter model in December 2018

In a survey conducted by Public Opinion Research Centre in December 2018, we investigated how people trust to political Parties and whether they are willing to take part in elections to the Chamber of Deputies. In the press release there are two different types of information: the likely voter model and the party preferences.

The likely voter model indicates anticipated result of hypothetical elections to the Chamber of Deputies in the time of conducting the survey.

The party preferences give us information about public sympathy for political parties in the group of citizens who have voting right and there is also included a part of citizens who will not take part in elections or they do not know who to vote for.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Citizens on the Pension System - November 2018

In its November survey the Center for Public Opinion Research focused on some issues related to the pension system and pension reform. Within this thematic block respondents were presented three pairs of opposing statements expressing general attitudes to the different characteristics of the pension system. Respondents expressed their position through a five-point scale, where point 1 meant identification with the first of a pair of opposing statements and point 5, on the contrary, featured complete shift to the second statement. Individual claims were related to contradiction between principle of solidarity and merit in the pension system, whether financial security of retired people should be ensured by state or by the citizens themselves and whether the pension system in its current form is just or unjust.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Concerns and preparations for pension – November 2018

In November, the Public Opinion Research Center of the Academy of Sciences interviewed citizens of the Czech Republic on topic of financial security in pension. Questions were focused not only on subjective concerns over lack of economic resources or trust in welfare state but also on actual preparations, namely investments and savings.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Attitudes toward retirement system of the Czech Republic – November 2018

In November, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards the retirement system in the Czech Republic.

Questions focused mainly on the current condition of the retirement system and its possible changes. Respondents also expressed level of their support for concrete measures and actions within the retirement system. The last question focused on the opinion whether the received finances from the social security system can cover funding of the pensions.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Taxation in View of Public Opinion – November 2018

According to November 2018 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre 16% of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 28% say it is adequate and 45% think it is low.

Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 39% of respondents, adequate by 49% and low by 4% of citizens.

Taxation on low-income earners was supposed to be high by 60%, adequate by 27% and low by 4%.

58% of respondents think that tax rate should be higher for high-income earners than for low-income earners.


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