Attitudes toward retirement system of the Czech Republic – November 2018

In November, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards the retirement system in the Czech Republic.

Questions focused mainly on the current condition of the retirement system and its possible changes. Respondents also expressed level of their support for concrete measures and actions within the retirement system. The last question focused on the opinion whether the received finances from the social security system can cover funding of the pensions.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Taxation in View of Public Opinion – November 2018

According to November 2018 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre 16% of citizens regard taxation on high-income earners as high, 28% say it is adequate and 45% think it is low.

Taxation on average-income earners is considered to be high by 39% of respondents, adequate by 49% and low by 4% of citizens.

Taxation on low-income earners was supposed to be high by 60%, adequate by 27% and low by 4%.

58% of respondents think that tax rate should be higher for high-income earners than for low-income earners.


Public opinion on social security in the Czech Republic and allocation of public funds – November 2018

The November 2018 survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre included issues related to social policy. It surveyed citizens' views on that how much the individual areas of social policy are secured.

At the same time the block of questions included an item, in which citizens had to comment the social policy as a whole. It also examined public preferences concerning allocation of public funds.


Priorities of Funding in Various Areas of Social Policy – November 2018

November research focused on priorities in funding of some individual areas of social policy from the state budget. Respondents should sort ten selected areas of social policy from the most important area to the least important area for them.

Citizens perceive as the top priority the area of healthcare, followed by pensions and social security in sickness or in case of injury.


Attitudes towards Czech social security system – November 2018

In November, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards social policy.

Questions investigated opinions of the Czech public on the involvement of the state and the citizens themselves to funding the sphere of social policy. Other questions focused on whether the current distribution of responsibilities is divided equally between state and citizens. Finally, we were interested in opinion on the fair distribution of benefits and abuse of the social security system.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Public Opinion on Reasons for Joining Political Parties - November 2018

In November 2018 the CVVM regular survey focused on questions about opinions on reasons for joining political parties. Czechs should also evaluate, whether particular reasons are right or wrong when somebody wants to participate on public life.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Trust to Some Public Institutions – November 2018

In November 2018 as a part of Public Opinion Research Centre's survey there was a question investigating citizens' trust to some social institutions.


Attitudes towards political parties in Czech society – November 2018

In November, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards Czech political parties.


Popularity of Party Representatives - November 2018

In November 2018 CVVM SOÚ AV ČR investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were given a list with 18 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in the Chamber of Deputies.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in November 2018

In November 2018 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.


Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - October 2018

According to the October survey of CVVM, 50% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as good, 34% view it as neither good nor bad, and 14% consider it to be bad.


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