Relation to Different National Groups Living in the Czech Republic - February 2015

In February 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre investigated attitudes of Czech public to seventeen national groups that are living in the Czech Republic in significant number.


Satisfaction with the Situation in Selected Areas of Public Life - February 2015

In February 2015, citizens of the Czech Republic evaluated how satisfied they are with the situation in 29 selected areas of public life. The best evaluated areas are the selection of goods and services (75% satisfied) and culture (69%).


Attitudes of Czech public towards foreigners - February 2015

In February survey CVVM deeply focused on attitudes of Czech public towards foreigners and on their contribution to our country. 70 % of czech citizens believe that foreigners should adapt our habits as much as possible.

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Attitudes towards foreigners settlement in the Czech republic - February 2015

In February 2015 CVVM examined attitudes of Czech public towards foreigner long-term or permanently living in the Czech republic. Specifically, there were examined attitudes whether there are too many, appropriate amount, or too few foreigners living in our country, whether foreigners should have the right for the long-term residing in the country and whether the state should allow them to settle here permanently.

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Citizens on Economic Situation of the Czech Republic and Living Standard of Their Households - February 2015

According to the February survey of CVVM, 36% of people evaluate the current economic situation in the Czech Republic as bad, 42% view it as neither good nor bad, and 21% consider it to be good. 45% of Czechs evaluate the living standard of their household as good, 17% consider it to be bad, and 38% characterize it as neither good, nor bad.


Opinons of the Czech public toward the events on Ukraine - February 2015

According to the  survey of the Public Opinion Research Centre, 47 % of Czech citizens are interested in current events in Ukraine.Respondents were also asked about their perception of the situation as a security threat, of the current activities of various groups in the conflict and about active participation of international community in solving the situation. Press release also contain a brief comparison with perception of ISIL´s activities.


Evaluation of Economic Situation and Material Living Conditions in Central European Comparison - January 2015

In January 2015 Public Opinion Research centre investigated, how Czech citizens evaluate material living conditions of their households and economic situation in the Czech Republic. During January of 2015 comparable surveys on this theme were carried out also in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.


The most significant people in public life in the Czech Republic in 2014

In its regular survey in February 2015 the Public Opinion Research Centre focused on question, who were the most significant people in public life in the Czech Republic in 2014.


Citizens on Relations of the Czech Republic to Other Countries - January 2015

In January survey people have evaluated relations of the Czech Republic with some neighbouring or globally most important countries.


Czech Public's Attitudes to Foreign countries - January 2015

In January survey CVVM investigated how sympathetic or unsympathetic are some selected countries to the Czech public. In this survey 25 countries were selected. The most sympathetic country among them according to Czech citizens is Slovakia followed by France, Sweden, Austria, Great Britain, and Italy.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in February 2015

In February 2015 within the regular survey CVVM SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to Chambers of Parliament, President, Government, Local and Regional Councils.

>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<


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