* A Party that Never Dies: On the Causes of Stable Electoral Support for the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia

The paper analyses the fact that the Czech communist party (KSČM) can rely on substantial and stable (occasionally even rising) electoral support. The phenomenon has been discussed extensively in academic as well as social and political discourses. On the basis of available empirical data, sociological analyses and statistical information, the paper categorizes some basic socio-political conditions and predispositions which may help explain the fact that the political party once considered to be the anti-system heir of the non-democratic regime is now one of the most stable elements of Czech politics.


>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Kunštát, Daniel. 2014. „Strana, která neumírá: K příčinám stability volební podpory KSČM." Naše společnost 12 (2): 15-23, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214438X.2014.2.12.123.

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