HomeCVVMJournal Our SocietyArchive of articles2017/1On components of political socialization – their generational continuity and discontinuity

* Hadley Cantril: an Important Theorist and Methodologist of Public Opinion (1906-1969)

Assessment of people's views with an emphasis on sociological aspects is mainly associated with the tradition of the European public opinion research. American authors introduced empirical and socio-psychological approaches to this field of study. Hadley Cantril was one of those who pioneered "scientific" public opinion research inspired by George Gallup. This paper reviews Cantril´s work, recalling some of his most important theoretical and methodological findings and empirical projects, to conclude that his studies remain a rich source of knowledge for all present-day and future public opinion researchers.


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Mišovič, Ján. 2014. „Hadley Cantril: významný teoretik a metodolog veřejného mínění (1906-1969)." Naše společnost 12 (2): 45-50, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214438X.2014.2.12.126.

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