Czech citizens about standart of living and social conditions

In April 2005, 36% of respondents characterised the standard of living of their household to be good, 22% share the opposite opinion and 41% of respondents characterised it as neither good nor bad. 6% of citizens indicated their household to be rich, whilst 30% consider it to be poor. Almost two thirds of respondents (63%) regard their household as neither rich nor poor. Problems with current budget of their household were stated by 61% of respondents, on the other hand 35% said they have no problems with budget of the household.


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

Highest level of trust, out of all constitutional institutions, enjoys president Václav Klaus,

though trust in him, expressed by citizens, is on the wane. 67% of respondents expressed their trust in the president. Contemporary government crisis shook with citizens’trust to government, but it shook with confidence in constitutional institutions as well and first of all with confidence in both Chambers of Parliament.


Party preferences in April 2005

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Public attitudes to Death penalty and public opinions about lowering of the age limit for criminal liability

In CVVM survey more than two thirds of czech citizens spoke up for existence of Death penalty, while only a quarter of citizens (27%) is against it. Most pensioners and people who do not confess any religion or church, skilled workpeople, ČSSD and KSČM followers support existence of Death penalty. The existence of Denalty penalty is less supported by students, university graduetes, churchpeople,ODS or KDU-ČSL followers.


Public opinions about foeticide and legitimatization of registered partnership

March survey confirmed tolerant attitude of czech public to foeticide. 7 out of 10 citizens think that a woman has right to decide herself to end her pregnancy. Support of law about registered partnership has drop a bit since 2003.



Public tolerance

Respondents were shown a list of groups of people and they had to choose which group they would not want to be their neighbours. Czech citizens refused these groups of people to be their neighbours : alcoholics (87%), drug addicts (87%), people with criminal past (77%), Romanians (75%). Other groups of people were supposed to be more or less acceptable.

A third of people said, they would want to live far from homosexuals (34%), emotional unbalanced people (32%),almost a fifth of public would not want people with different colour of skin (22%), foreigners living in Czech Republic (21%) to be their neighbours and 1 out of six respondents would not want rich people to be their neighbours, the unwanted people are also rich people (17%),politicians (16%).


Citizen involvement in local activities

According to March survey CVVM interrogated citizens about their involvement in sport activities, civil affinity group next to their home (Almost a third of citizens sometimes join in these activities). A fifth of repondents stated they sometimes involve in the activity, that was started by a charity organization or by a foundation. 18% of respondents participate in municipal government and 12 % in professional associations.


Citizens‘ satisfaction with lving conditions close to their home

In March almost two thirds of respondents are satisfied with living conditions close to their home.A quarter of respondents is neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. A tenth of czech population over 15 years are dissatisfied with it. More than three quarters of respondents are satisfied with installation of service gas pipes, electric connection, water service pipe and sewerage in their homes. People are also satisfied with waste disposal, environment close to their home.


Public opinion about relationships among people

Czech respondents are convinced of probably or definitely bad relationships among people in Czech Republic,public opinion about bad relationships(53%) prevails opinions about good relationships(43%). People with good standart of living evaluate relationships among people more positively. People under 30 years consider relationships among people are better, older people are more critical. Age differencies are related to marital status of respondent.


Public approval of a Czech EU and NATO membership and czech interest in working in EU member states

Major part of czech citizens (72%) agree with Czech EU membership, only almost a quarter of respondents (22%) dissagree with it, 6% of citizens could not answer that question.Majot part of czech citizens agree with czech NATO membership, though less people agree with it than in case of czech Eu membership. 62% of respondents agree with czech NATO membership, 28% of respondents disagree with it.


Image of political Parties

As a part of a March survey there was a question focused on a way , how voters perceive 4 long-term strongest political Parties. There were chosen some criterions, that represent both concrete programme aspects and general characteristics of activity made by Parties at political stage. There were not detected outstanding differences among evaluation of every single Party, particularly at negative statement „ it deals only with how to gain power“.


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