Evaluation of government work and parliamentary opposition in the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.

In January 2004 the work of the government was evaluated positively by 27 % of the respondents and negatively by 66 %. Only one year ago this proportion of positive and negative answers was almost the opposite: in January 2003 the government was evaluated positively by 48 % and negatively by 39 % of interviewees. The substantial drop in government work evaluation occurred in between January and June 2003.


The Attitude of the General Public to the 2004 State Budget

The January census of the CPOR surveyed the satisfaction of the public with the approved state budget. Questions were aimed both at the satisfaction with the fact that the Czech Republic has an approved state budget for 2004 and also at the formulation of the budget. The survey showed that the general public’s attitude to the fact that the budget had been approved was relatively positive. Only 11% of Czechs considered this fact as being bad, contrary to 42% who thought it was good.


Confidence in constitutional institutions

According to the survey of constitutional institutions realised in mid-January, the highest level of confidence of Czech citizens belongs to the president – he is trusted by 72 % of the respondents. The government enjoys confidence of more than a third of the respondents (37 %). People show the lowest level of confidence in the Senate (20 %) and the Chamber of Deputies (26 %). Regional councils are trusted by 41 % and local councils by 61 % of citizens.


Party preferences in January 2004

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table.

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week. Would you participate?’ was answered yes by 70% of those surveyed having the right to vote (‘definitely yes’ by 31% and ‘probably yes’ by 39%), while 22% said no (13% ‘probably not’ and 9% ‘definitely not’) and 8% did not know.


What We Dislike Most about the Behaviour and Character of People

In December 2003 Public Opinion Research Centre also included in its survey two open questions, where respondents named what they disliked most about human character and behaviour of people. The results of the survey show that as to the human character respondents dislike pretentiousness, lying and jealousy most, and with respect to the behaviour of people the first spots were occupied by pretentiousness, lying and aggressiveness.


Opinions on Health Care in the Czech Republic and Hungary

Czech citizens rate the health care system of their country in a more favourable way than Hungarians, but simultaneously they view it significantly more critically than a year ago. At the present, 34 % of them are satisfied with the health care system in the CZ, on the other hand 36 % feel dissatisfaction with it. Every second person is content with the actual medical care, the share of those dissatisfied represent approximately one fifth of the population above 15 years of age.


Position of Czech Citizens towards the Present and Future

According to the results of our December survey, most Czechs are reliable and try to fulfil their obligations. Eight out of ten respondents said that they fulfil their obligation towards authorities and friends in time. The rule “business before pleasure” is adhered to by more than 60 % of the population of our country. Most Czech citizens have a tendency to plan their future and not to act only on the spur of the moment.


Attitudes of Czech Citizens towards the Past

In December 2003 Public Opinion Research Centre also included a few psychological questions in its survey. Among other things, we wanted to establish the attitude of Czech citizens towards their past. Overall, we can say that most Czechs have their own past and particularly childhood connected with positive emotions. Three quarters of respondents admitted that images, sounds and smells known from childhood often evoked in them nice memories and when looking back 7 out of 10 respondents recollect considerably more good than bad.


Satisfaction with the political situation

In early December, 15% of those polled were satisfied with the political situation, whereas 54% expressed dissatisfaction. 28% of respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The level of dissatisfaction has reached its highest since 2003 when we started asking the question in a new manner. As regards political orientation, the level of satisfaction is higher among sympathisers of the CSSD (32%) and the ODS (18%).


Confidence in constitutional institutions

Most of Czech citizens already traditionally trust in the president of the republic (66 %). On the contrary, the lowest level of confidence belongs to the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, which are currently trusted by only about one fifth of the respondents. Compared to November there was a significant drop in the level of the public’s confidence in the government (-6 % points), now trusted by 29 % of the interviewees.


Concerns of the Public before Entry to the EU

The absolute majority of the Czech public rejects the deployment of Czech soldiers for combat in Afghanistan, while support for this step was voiced by less than a fifth of respondents (17 %), opinions against were expressed by three quarters (75 %) of citizens. Resentment to sending a Czech special unit to Afghanistan clearly prevails among supporters of all political parties, with the strongest disagreement being voiced by supporters of the KSČM (90 % against, 7 % for), followed by followers of the Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) (78 % against, 14 % for), Christian Democratic Party- Czechoslovak People’s Party (KDU-ČSL) (73 % against, 23 % for) and ODS (70 % against, 24 % for).


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