Recent major events

10% of respondents are of the opinion that the most important recent event is the conflict between Israel and Palestine, whereas 18% think it is the validity of the Beneš decrees.


Participation in the June election to the Chamber of Deputies and the stability of voter preferences

In late March and early April, 70% of those surveyed having the right to vote would participate in the June election. 44% of voters are clearly determined whom to vote for, 23% may still change their mind and 18% have not decided yet whom to support.


Company Situation and Mobility of Employees

On average, respondents believe that the monthly salary for a family of four which marks the poverty level is 22,210 CZK however the most frequent response stated 20,000 CZK. The concept of the poverty level continuously changes with the perception of income which would be sufficient to cover basic requirements of the respondents’ household needs. People with a higher standard of living...


A party I would never vote for

Our citizens perceive the KSCM as the most unacceptable party (39%). A fourth would never vote for the ODS, while a tenth would never vote for the SPR-RSC.


Perceived Poverty Level

On average, respondents believe that the monthly salary for a family of four which marks the poverty level is 22,210 CZK however the most frequent response stated 20,000 CZK. The concept of the poverty level continuously changes with the perception of income which would be sufficient to cover basic requirements of the respondents’ household needs. People with a higher standard of living also define the poverty level to be higher.


The level of public interest

60% of respondents read at least sometimes about politics in newspapers (a total of ‘often’ and ‘sometimes’ answers), whereas 11% do not. At least a half of respondents at least sometimes discuss politics with friends but 74% of those polled never persuade their friends to adopt the same opinion. Almost 80% of respondents get ‘hardly ever’ or ‘never’ involved in solving public problems.


Satisfaction with the political situation

In late March and early April, 35% of those polled said they were satisfied with the current political situation in the Czech Republic (‘very satisfied’ – 2%, ‘quite satisfied’ – 33%), whereas 60% were dissatisfied (‘quite dissatisfied’ – 43% and ‘very dissatisfied’ – 17%) and 5% did not know.


Confidence in constitutional institutions

Confidence in the army (56%) and courts (41%) has reached its historical maximum, however, in the case of media (57%) the level of public confidence is at its historical minimum. The police is trusted by 53%, Constitutional court by 51%, churches by 34%, banks by 33%, trade unions by 29% of the respondents. Political parties enjoy confidence of only 12% of the respondents, 79% regard them...


The social and economic value orientation of the Czech society

The following two statements met with the greatest response from those surveyed. 91% of them agreed with the statement ‘hard-working people deserve to earn more than others’, whereas 6% did not. The respondents took a similar stance on the last statement saying that ‘it is right that people with more talent and abilities make more money’. A total of 90% of respondents agreed with this statement, while 6% of those participating in the survey disagreed.


Citizens Views on the Standard of Living of their Households

In the survey from the end of February to the beginning of March 2002 three fifths (60% of respondents) the standard of living of their household as being good, compared to 37% who described it as being bad. At the end of March and beginning of April, the ratio of the positive evaluation was increased by 6% to a total of 66% with a currently decreasing critical evaluation of one’s household by 5% to a total of 32%.


Evaluation of Living and Social Conditions in the CR

The majority of respondents evaluate the access to education (71%) and health care (66%) as being very good. Other investigated areas such as job opportunities, social security for the elderly, standard of living for the handicapped, and mainly financial conditions to start a family or to get a flat are assessed in a very critical way. The respondents were unanimous in their views on life conditions of officials, civil servants and entrepreneurs which they considered to be the best (78% or more precisely 74%).


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Panel 3

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