HomeCVVMJournal Our SocietyArchive of articles2009/1* How to measure church attendance. Problems with measuring of religious phenomenon

Secularization through the Lens on Inter- and Intragenerational Transmission: Czech Republic in Comparison with Post-communist Countries of Central Europe

This paper is focused on changing rates of church affiliation and church attendance in the course of intergenerational and intragenerational transmission on the cases of four post-communist countries of central Europe: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland. It is a generally accepted fact that the rates of traditional forms of religiosity in the Czech society declined continuously during the second half of the 20th century, while such an enormous decline was not indicated in other post-communist countries of Central Europe. These differences and their causes are main question for this analytical work. Contemporary religiosity is dependent on rates of its reproduction between generations. Inter- and intragenerational transmission was influenced by two basic factors: First, by an anti-religious policy, which varied between the communist regimes, and second by the resistance of some people and families against that concrete anti-religious policy. The rapid secularisation of Czech society was due to those two factors.

>> Full text is available in Czech only <<


Paleček, Antonín. 2015. "Sekularizace v pohledu inter- a intragenerační transmise:
ČR ve srovnání post-komunistických zemí střední Evropy." Naše společnost 13 (2): 13-26, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/1214438X.2015.2.13.231.

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