Opinion of the Public on Certain Issues of the Education System

The standard of education is valued as best at grammar schools (70 % positively, 8 % negatively) and universities (63 % positively, 8 % negatively). Two thirds of respondents also consider elementary schools as having a good standard (66 % positive, 22 % negative opinions) and a slightly smaller number thinks this about secondary schools completed by a school-leaving examination (62 % positive, 18 % negative opinions).


Current Problems of Czech Education System in the Eyes of the Public

The September survey also included a section of questions devoted to issues on the Czech school system. Among other things, the respondents gave their opinions about the issues of equal access to education, grammar schools providing schooling over more than four years, and private secondary schools. Almost two thirds of Czech citizens are worried that many talented children in this country will not be given a chance to study, but 6 out of 10 respondents agree with the statement that only ability and the will to study will decide what education level will be achieved and by whom.


Czech Public and the Media

Within the June research we surveyed standpoints of the Czech public towards the media. First of all we were interested in ratings of the main television news programmes. Eight out of ten respondents said that in the previous week they had seen TV Nova news at least once. About three quarters of respondents had watched "Události (Events)" (the main news broadcast of ČT1) at least once. Prima news had been seen at least once by less than a half of Czechs (46%) and ČT2 news by a third (33%).


Cooking in Czech Households

Forty five percent of people above 15 years of age in the CZ can cook a wide range of meals. On the contrary, 27 % of respondents admitted they could not cook at all. In our society, there are approximately 19 % of households, in which both partners take turns in cooking. Predominantly women cook in households, they themselves admit it in 67 % of cases. Women, more often than men, were taught cooking by their mothers or grandparents, men, more often than women, learnt cooking from their fathers.


Czech Dining Habits

At least several times a week, meals are cooked in 9 out of 10 households, only 8 % of respondents said that they only cooked several times a month or even less. Three quarters of the population eat in restaurants at least several times a month, while every fifth respondent admits that their family does not eat in restaurants at all. From the point of view of a healthy and regular diet, it is not a very good finding that 5 % of Czechs do not have breakfast and the same number misses lunch.


Regional Meals and Evaluation of Traditional Czech Cuisine

Within the May survey Public Opinion Research Centre concentrated on the topic of traditional Czech cuisine. The research included a section of questions devoted to finding out which traditional regional meals respondents know and if they themselves cook them. From the results it arises that people most often consider as regional meals – potato pancakes, potato cakes, kulajda (cream of mushroom soup), kyselo (mushroom sour cream sauce), cakes and goulash, and they also most frequently cook these meals in their household.


Ingredients and Meals Associated with Traditional Czech Cuisine

Ingredients, which Czech citizens most frequently associate traditional Czech cuisine with, include potatoes, cabbage and cottage cheese. Typically Czech meals, such as yeast fruit dumplings, garlic soup and potato pancakes, were tasted by practically all respondents at some time. Three quarters of respondents also prepare these meals in their own households. Hot cross-buns are least known by respondents.


Traditional Czech Cuisine and Us

From the results of the May survey it arises that people associate the term "traditional Czech cuisine" mainly with roast pork, with dumplings and cabbage. Others connect it with beef sirloin in cream sauce, some others with pork schnitzel or goulash. Association with sweet meals, such as fruit dumplings or buns with filling is also quite common. Other meals perceived as typical in traditional Czech cuisine are for example: potato pancakes, roast goose or duck and dumplings as a side dish.


Keeping to Tradition in Czech Households

Keeping to tradition and folk customs is considered to be important by two thirds of citizens (66 %), while approximately three people out of ten (31 %) have the opposite opinion. Regardless of this, 99 % of households keep to tradition and customs at least in some cases. As far as traditional meals associated with some specific festive occasions are concerned, almost in all households (96 %) the traditional menu is prepared in connection with Christmas Eve, in two thirds at Easter, and in a half of households on New Year’s Day.


Migration in the CZ

Three fifths of Czechs over 15 years of age (61 %) have moved house at least once in the course of their lives, with 25 % moving only once, 19 % twice, 11 % three times and 6 % respondents said that during their lives they had moved more than three times. In the population over 19 years of age, two thirds (66 %) of inhabitants have experienced moving at least once. The ratio of people, who have never moved during their lifetime, is significantly higher in villages than in towns.