What Is Important in Our Lives
The respondents consider their family environment to be the most important part of their lives: the family was rated as very important by 83 %, the children by 72 % and the partner by 71 % of citizens. Parents are very important for about two thirds of respondents (68 %). For most of the people, work represents a high value - for 54 % of people it is very important, for 31 % quite important. Similarly but a little less, respondents value friends - for 51 % of respondents friends play an important role, for 40 % quite an important role in their lives.
Attitudes of Public to Controversial Topics of Partner Co-habitation
Premarital sexual activities are judged by the Czech public in a very tolerant way, almost 50 % of respondents think that such relations are usually good and another 33 % consider them as always being good. A total of 11 % of respondents were against “sex before marriage” (regarded as mostly or always bad).
On the other hand, the attitude towards adultery in marriage is not as tolerant, 34 % see it as always bad and 48 % of respondents as mostly bad.
How Content are We with Our Personal Lives? How Do We See Our Own Prospects, Prospects of the Population of the CZ and Mankind in General?
Today, more than a half of respondents (56 %) express satisfaction with their personal life, 29 % are "neither satisfied nor dissatisfied" and with 14 % dissatisfaction dominates. In the last five years these figures have changed only minimally. The survey also focused on prevalence of optimism and scepticism from the point of view of the respondents’ own future, and future of those close to them, the future of the population of the CZ and mankind as such.
Opinions on Punishment
In its regular March survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre concentrated among other things on the opinions of citizens regarding the length of sentences for some selected criminal acts, moreover on views about at which degree sentences imposed by courts are adequate and last but not least the question of if capital punishment should exist or not. We consider sentences imposed by court to be more likely inadequate, particularly in the case of violent criminal activities.
Crime and Success Rate of Police in the Eyes of the Czech Public
What is the picture of crime structure in the eyes of the Czech public? Does it correspond to reality, or is it distorted by the influence of media news or personal experience? And what is the notion of the success rate of the police when investigating some criminal acts? Is it rather underestimated or on the contrary overestimated by the public? These are some of the issues dealt with by the March survey, carried out by Public Opinion Research Centre.
Citizens and Safety
Currently, 38% of respondents are satisfied and 21 % dissatisfied with the way the police look after the order and safety of citizens in their neighbourhood. Another 38% are “neither satisfied, nor dissatisfied” with the activities of the police. Moreover, the research concentrated on how safe citizens felt in their neighbourhoods and inside their homes. The performed survey has shown that the feeling of safety in one’s own home has changed only relatively little in the course of the last five years: most citizens feel safe during the day, even after dark; however the feeling grows weaker after dusk.
On pleasant and unpleasant things
The survey results reveal that we derive most pleasure from being given a present. This is followed by an afternoon’s relaxation with a cup of good coffee or tea, and by an evening spent in front of a TV. In general, we consider waiting for a late bus more annoying than getting up in the morning. The latter is, however, resented by younger generations in particular. Organisations conducting surveys of public opinion will be pleased to learn that we consider answering survey questions considerably less irritating than waiting for a late bus or getting up in the morning.
How Tolerant Are We?
The March survey touched on the problem of tolerance in society, the understanding, which is shown to various specific social groups. Respondents were asked to choose which of such groups they would not want to have as neighbours. From their response it became obvious that people have the most reserved attitude towards the worst-form of alcoholics (86 %) and drug users (85 %). Citizens of Romany origin are often (79 %) rejected as well as people with a criminal past (78 %).
Czech National Identity
If now people in the Czech Republic had a chance to choose any country, in which they would like to live, the majority would select the Czech Republic. The prevailing mother tongue in the territory of the Czech Republic is Czech language; other languages mentioned in the survey did not exceed the level of a statistical error. Apart from Czech, which is used for communicating in the household by almost everybody, German, English and Slovak are most frequently used as a common language.
Citizens about Coexistence with Romanies and on Their Chances in Society
Coexistence of Romanies and the rest of the population is perceived by a large part of the public as being problematic. While in general, relations between people at the place, where they live, were described as bad only by 16.4 % of respondents, in the case of coexistence of Romanies and other citizens in their neighbourhoods critical opinions were voiced by a half (50.5 %) of respondents of those that before had said that in the vicinity of the place, where they lived, there were some Romanies living.
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