Czech beer and beer industry in eyes of czech citizens

In September 2005 CVVM used questions from survey Pubs and beer in czech society, which took place in September 2004. Although Czechs belong to top ten beer consumers according to results of the survey they are not proud of it very much. On the one hand, the future of czech beer is viewed optimistically on the whole, on the other hand czech public is quite pesimistic when talking about future...


Moral acceptability of certain types of behaviour

As a part of September survey there was a question for respondents to express their opinion on acceptability and unacceptability of certain types of behaviour. Czech citizens consider drink drive offence to be the least acceptable behaviour. Respondents were very strict when judging situation of a person who has no job and who is on the dole and gifts or whethera person sometimes has conflict with Police.


What abilities are successfully developed by school?

As a part of September survey there were some questions about public opinion on Czech school system. Major part of Czech citizens thinks that primary schools, secondary schools and universities are successful at developing and supporting of good knowledge, independence,

self – confidence and socialization of their pupils. According to our respondents primary and secondary schools are not successful at developing of discipline and moral values, on contrary universities are successful at it.


What is educational background influenced by?

In September survey more than a half of respondents expressed their opinion that everybody has a chance to get such education according to his or her abilities.

Then respondents had to answer a question, what circumstances and various facts influence educational background. Respondents often suppose human abilities and diligence to be important, when trying to get higher education.

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Evaluation of current level and assets of education

In September CVVM also focused on evaluation of current level of school education, including primary and secondary schools and universities. All types of school education are positively evaluated by major part of respondents. In other part of survey respondents had to talk about their own educational background. Respondents think that education helped them to get general knowledge and professional qualification, when three quarters of respondents share this opinion.


Israel and Palestine in Czech Public Opinion

In September survey 28 % of respondents stated they are interested in situation in Palestine and Israel, on contrary 69 % of respondents stated they are not interested in it. Czech public is mainly sceptical when judging current relations between Palestine and Israel. Only 2 % of respondents evaluate these relations as rather good, 12 % of respondents suppose these relations to be neither good nor bad and three fifths of respondents consider the relations to be bad.


Evaluation of activities of Parties and monitored institutions

In September survey CVVM asked respondents: „How would you evaluate activity of following Parties and institutions in last twelve months? Markit same as at school.1 means best evaluation, 5 means worst evaluation.

President, media and prime minister were best evaluated, their avarage mark was mark below 3. Senate,KSČM and US-DEU were worst evaluated, their avarage mark was above 3.50.Similar question has been used since 1996.


Popularity of Party representatives

In September survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre investigated whether the interviewed people confide in selected politicians. This time the submitted list included the names of 26 representatives of the parties present in the Chamber of Deputies. The respondents expressed the highest level of confidence in prime minister Jiří Paroubek (53%), second place got 1.vice-chairman of ČSSD and minister of Finance Bohuslav Sobotka (40%).


Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation

In September 2005 Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, when 71 % respondents expressed their confidence in him. Number of those who find president trustworthy is quite stable for several months. 42 % of respondents trusted in government in the beginning of September. Citizens‘ confidence in government has been rising since May. As usual both Chambers were found least trustworthy.


Party preferences in September 2005

All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).

The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.


Satisfaction with current state of some monitored areas

Czech citizens are most satisfied with supply of goods and services.Majot part of people are satisfied with current state of czech culture. Almost a half of citizens are satisfied with relationships of Czech Republic to foreign states and czech environment.In other monitored areas dissatisfaction prevailed satisfaction. People are mostly dissatisfied with current state of corruption (83% dissatisfied),economic criminality (80%) and unemployment (76%) in Czech Republic.


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Panel 3

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