The economic situation and material living conditions from the perspective of public opinion in central european comparison
Generally, critical evaluation of the current economic situation prevailed positive evaluation. . The highest degree of satisfaction was recorded in Czech Republic (12% good, 41% - bad economic situation, 42 % no good or bad), and the highest in Slovakia (70% bad, 2% good). Lower degree of satisfaction is in Hungary, where almost a half or citizens (48%) critically consider current economic situation, only 1 out of 20 citizens stated positive evaluation.
Agreement on EU constitution in eyes of czech public
More than a third of czech citizens (36%) are satisfied with EU membership of the Czech Republic. A fifth of respondents are dissatisfied with it.The ambivalent opinions about satisfaction with membership of Czech Republic in European Union is shared by a 37% of czech citizens. 43% of czech public agree with existence of a united European Constitution. A third of public expressed their negative opinion about it.
The most serious problems of Czech Republich from the view of public
The respondents often consider various aspects of economical development to be the most serious problems of Czech Republic and first of all is unemployment. The other area af problems consists of corruption, economic or general crime, and poor work of the police and courts in the enforcement of law. Essential part of respondents regarded various general or concrete problems from czech political area as most serious problems.
Earth-friendly behaviour
May survey contained a topic – environment. More than four fifths of respondents agreed that every single attempt to save the environment is important.
37% of respondents take always dangerous waste to special enchosen places. And other 35 % does it often. Same number of respondents sort domestic waste (33% always, 42 % often). A third of respondents take part in activities organized under companies for environment protection such as working groups and revitalisation of nature.
Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation
Between June and July 2005, Czech citizens expressed the highest level of trust to the president of the country, who enjoyed confidence of 72 % of czech citizens.
Citizen confidence in government has risen since last month. At present 37% citizens trust in czech government.Citizens suppose both Chambers of Parliamnet to be the least trustworthy constitutional institutions. As usual respondents confide deeply in local councils.
Party preference between June and July
All respondents having the right to vote were asked an open question (i.e. without a list of political parties being used) investigating which party they would vote for if an election to the Chamber of Deputies took place the following week. The structure of the answers given is summarised in the table (in %).
The question ‘Imagine that an election to the Chamber of Deputies is held next week.
Public opinion about environment
In May survey most of respondents were satisfied with condition of the environment close to their home and in Czech Republic.
Situation at labor market in regions and security of job
Almost a half of czech population older than 15 years think, they can find a job in their region, but it is difficult to find a suitable job there. Only 3 % of Czech citizens say there is no problem to find any job in their region, on contrary almost two fifths of respondents expressed their opinion, that it is difficult to find any job in their region. 7% of citizens suppose to find a job to be impossible in their region.
What would we do, if we lost a job?
In the case of losing a job, people would usually look for a new one, usually a specific job that would correspond to their idea of a new job defined in advance (62%) More than one third of respondents (37%) stated that they would accept any job in this situation. Highly qualified people, chiefmen, self- gainfully employed, respondents with good standart of living, university graduates, people with passed secondary school leaving exam, students would usually look for a specific job.
Public opinions on unemployment
Two thirds of czech citizens indicated that the current level of unemployment in our country to be too high. 3 out of 10 respondents are worried about posible increase of unemployment in next two years , almost a half of respondents believe that rate of unemployment will remain the same and more than a tenth suppose that rate of unemploment will decrease.In comparism to year 2000 the current results of this survey are most optimistic .
Public opinions on successfulness of economic transformation
Past course of economic transformation was a bit critically evaluated : 28 % of respondents consider the transformation to have been unsuccesful, 37 % of respondents chose the answer „half succesful - half unsuccesful, almost a fifth of citizens regard it to have been succesful. Evaluation of course of economic transformation has improved since 1999.University graduetes, students, people with good standart of living, ODS Party followers judge better economic transformation.
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